Pivot table options

Pivot Table options set various options for the display of pivot tables.


Select a TableLook from the list of files and click OK or Apply. You can use one of the TableLooks provided with IBM® SPSS® Statistics, or you can create your own in the Pivot Table Editor (choose TableLooks from the Format menu).

  • Browse. Allows you to select a TableLook from another directory.
  • Set TableLook Directory. Allows you to change the default TableLook directory. Use Browse to navigate to the directory you want to use, select a TableLook in that directory, and then select Set TableLook Directory.

Note: TableLooks created in earlier versions of IBM SPSS Statistics cannot be used in version 16.0 or later.

Column Widths

These options control the automatic adjustment of column widths in pivot tables.

  • Adjust for labels only. Adjusts column width to the width of the column label. This produces more compact tables, but data values wider than the label may be truncated.
  • Adjust for labels and data for all tables. Adjusts column width to whichever is larger: the column label or the largest data value. This produces wider tables, but it ensures that all values will be displayed.

Table Comments

You can automatically include comments for each table.

  • Comment text is displayed in a tooltip when you hover over a table in the Viewer.
  • Screen readers read the comment text when the table has focus.
  • The tooltip in the Viewer displays only the first 200 characters of the comment, but screen readers read the entire text.
  • When you export output to HTML or a web report, the comment text is used as alt text.

Title. Include the table title in the comment.

Procedure. Include the name of the procedure that created the table.

Date. Includes the date the table was created.

Dataset. Includes the name of the dataset that was used to create the table.

Default Editing Mode

This option controls activation of pivot tables in the Viewer window or in a separate window. By default, double-clicking a pivot table activates all but very large tables in the Viewer window. You can choose to activate pivot tables in a separate window or select a size setting that will open smaller pivot tables in the Viewer window and larger pivot tables in a separate window.

Copying wide tables to the clipboard in rich text format

When pivot tables are pasted in Word/RTF format, tables that are too wide for the document width will either be wrapped, scaled down to fit the document width, or left unchanged.