Web report options

A web report is an interactive document that is compatible with most browsers. Many of the interactive features of pivot tables available in the Viewer are also available in web reports.

Report Title. The title that is displayed in the header of the report. By default, the file name is used. You can specify a custom title to use instead of the file name.

Format. There are two options for report format:

Exclude Objects. You can exclude selected object types from the report:

Restyle the tables and charts to match the Web Report. This option applies the standard web report style to all tables and charts. This setting overrides any fonts, colors, or other styles in the output as displayed in the Viewer. You cannot modify the standard web report style.

Web Server Connection. You can include the URL location of one or more application servers that are running the IBM® SPSS® Statistics Web Report Application Server. The web application server provides features to pivot tables, edit charts, and save modified web reports.

The IBM SPSS Statistics Web Report Application Server can be downloaded from http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/spssdevcentral.