Multiple Response Analysis

Multiple Response Analysis allows you to create frequency and crosstabulation tables for user-defined "multiple response sets".

Multiple Response Sets. When a survey question can be answered multiple valid times, such as questions which note "Check all that apply", multiple variables are necessary to capture all the responses. This collection of variables is called a multiple response set. The variables of a multiple response set are coded as dichotomies or categories.

  • In a multiple dichotomy set, a separate variable is created for each of the valid responses to the question. Each variable has two possible values, which indicate whether or not the response was selected by the survey taker.
  • In a multiple category set, a separate variable is created for each response given by the survey taker, up to the maximum number of responses given by any survey taker. Multiple category sets are most often used when the maximum number of responses given by any survey taker is significantly less than the number of possible responses.
