MISMATCH Subcommand (MVA command)

MISMATCH produces a matrix showing percentages of cases for a pair of variables in which one variable has a missing value and the other variable has a nonmissing value (a mismatch). The diagonal elements are percentages of missing values for a single variable, while the off-diagonal elements are the percentage of mismatch of the indicator variables. See the topic Missing Indicator Variables (MVA command) for more information. Rows and columns are sorted on missing patterns.

PERCENT=n. Omit patterns involving less than the specified percentage of cases. You can specify a percentage from 0 to 100. The default is 5, indicating the omission of any pattern that is found in less than 5% of the cases.

NOSORT. Suppress sorting of the rows and columns. The order of the variables in the variables list is used. If ALL was used in the variables list, the order is that of the data file.