SAVE Subcommand (QUICK CLUSTER command)

Use SAVE to save results of cluster analysis as new variables in the active dataset.

  • You can specify a variable name in parentheses following either keyword. If no variable name is specified, QUICK CLUSTER forms unique variable names by appending an underscore and a sequential number to the rootname QCL. The number increments with each new variable saved.
  • The program displays the new variables and a short description of each in the procedure information notes.

CLUSTER[(varname)]. The cluster number of each case. The value of the new variable is set to an integer from 1 to the number of clusters.

DISTANCE[(varname)]. The distance of each case from its classification cluster center.


  • Six clusters of cases are formed on the basis of the variables A, B, C, and D.
  • A new variable QCL_1 is created and set to an integer between 1 and 6 to indicate cluster membership for each case.
  • Another new variable QCL_2 is created and set to the Euclidean distance between a case and the center of the cluster to which it is assigned.