MCNEMAR Subcommand (NPAR TESTS command)

NPAR TESTS MCNEMAR=varlist [WITH varlist [(PAIRED)]]

MCNEMAR tests whether combinations of values between two dichotomous variables are equally likely. The output includes a Crosstabulation table for each pair and a Test Statistics table for all pairs, showing the number of valid cases, chi-square, and probability for each pair.


  • The minimum specification is a list of two variables. Variables must be dichotomous and must have the same two values.
  • If keyword WITH is not specified, each variable is paired with every other variable in the list.
  • If WITH is specified, each variable before WITH is paired with each variable after WITH. If PAIRED is also specified, the first variable before WITH is paired with the first variable after WITH, the second variable before WITH is paired with the second variable after WITH, and so on. PAIRED cannot be specified without WITH.
  • With PAIRED, the number of variables that are specified before and after WITH must be the same. PAIRED must be specified in parentheses after the second variable list.


  • For the purposes of computing the test statistics, only combinations for which the values for the two variables are different are considered.
  • If fewer than 25 cases change values from the first variable to the second variable, the binomial distribution is used to compute the probability.


  • This example performs the MCNEMAR test on variable pairs V1 and V2, V1 and V3, and V2 and V3.