MCGROUP Subcommand (MRSETS command)

/MCGROUP NAME= setname  LABEL= 'label'
    VARIABLES= varlist

The MCGROUP subcommand defines or modifies a multiple category group. A name and variable list must be specified. Optionally, a label can be specified for the set.

NAME. The name of the multiple category set. The name must follow IBM® SPSS® Statistics variable naming conventions and begin with a $. If the name refers to an existing set, the set definition is overwritten.

LABEL. The label for the set. The label must be quoted and cannot be wider than the limit for variable labels. By default, the set is unlabeled.

VARIABLES. The list of elementary variables that define the set. Variables must be of the same type (numeric or string). At least two variables must be specified.

The elementary variables need not have value labels, but a warning is issued if two or more elementary variables have different labels for the same value. When checking for label conflicts, case is ignored.