Specifying Summaries (CTABLES command)

You can specify one or more summary functions for variables in any one dimension. For category variables, summaries can be specified only for the variables at the lowest nesting level. Thus, in the table expression


you can assign summaries to HAPPY and HAPMAR or to AGECAT, but not to both and not to SEX.

If a scale variable appears in a dimension, that dimension becomes the statistics dimension, and all statistics must be specified for that dimension. A scale variable need not be at the lowest level of nesting. Thus, the following is a valid specification:


A multiple response variable also need not be at the lowest level of nesting. The following specification is a valid specification:


However, if two multiple response variables are nested, as in $MULTCARS > $MULTNEWS, summaries can be requested only for the variable at the innermost nesting level (in this case, $MULTNEWS).

The general form for a summary specification is

[summary 'label' format, ..., summary 'label' format]
  • The specification follows the variable name in the table expression. You can apply a summary specification to multiple variables by enclosing the variables in parentheses. The following specifications are equivalent:
  • The brackets are required even if only one summary is specified.
  • Commas are optional.
  • Label and format are both optional; defaults are used if label and format are not specified.
  • If totals or subtotals are defined for a variable (on the CATEGORIES subcommand), by default, the same functions that are specified for the variable are used for the totals. You can use the keyword TOTALS within the summary specification to specify different summary functions for the totals and subtotals. The specification then has the form [summary ‘label’ format ... TOTALS [summary ‘label’ format...]]. You must still specify TOTAL=YES on the CATEGORIES subcommand to see the totals.
  • Summaries that are available for category variables are also available for scale variables and multiple response sets. Functions that are specific to scale variables and to multiple response sets are also available.
  • If case weighting is in effect, summaries are calculated taking into account the current WEIGHT value. To obtain unweighted summaries, prefix a U to the function name, as in UCOUNT. Unweighted functions are not available where weighting would not apply, as in the MINIMUM and MAXIMUM functions.


Figure 1. Table of nested column percentages
Table of nested column percentages


   STDDEV 'Standard Deviation' F5.2, PTILE 90 '90th Percentile'].
Figure 2. Table with custom percentiles and custom column labels
Table with custom percentiles and custom column labels
  • Each summary function for the row variable appears by default in a column.
  • Labels for standard deviation and the 90th percentile override the defaults.
  • Because TVHOURS is recorded in whole hours and has an integer print format, the default general print formats for mean and standard deviation would also be integer, so overrides are specified.
Table 1. Summary functions: all variables
Function Description Default Label* Default Format
COUNT Number of cases in each category. This is the default for categorical and multiple response variables. Count Count
ROWPCT.COUNT Row percentage based on cell counts. Computed within subtable. Row % Percent
COLPCT.COUNT Column percentage based on cell counts. Computed within subtable. Column % Percent
TABLEPCT.COUNT Table percentage based on cell counts. Table % Percent
SUBTABLEPCT.COUNT Subtable percentage based on cell counts. Subtable % Percent
LAYERPCT.COUNT Layer percentage based on cell counts. Same as table percentage if no layers are defined. Layer % Percent
LAYERROWPCT.COUNT Row percentage based on cell counts. Percentages sum to 100% across the entire row (that is, across subtables). Layer Row % Percent
LAYERCOLPCT.COUNT Column percentage based on cell counts. Percentages sum to 100% across the entire column (that is, across subtables). Layer Column % Percent
ROWPCT.VALIDN Row percentage based on valid count. Row Valid N % Percent
COLPCT.VALIDN Column percentage based on valid count. Column Valid N % Percent
TABLEPCT.VALIDN Table percentage based on valid count. Table Valid N % Percent
SUBTABLEPCT.VALIDN Subtable percentage based on valid count. Subtable Valid N % Percent
LAYERPCT.VALIDN Layer percentage based on valid count. Layer Valid N % Percent
LAYERROWPCT.VALIDN Row percentage based on valid count. Percentages sum to 100% across the entire row. Layer Row Valid N % Percent
LAYERCOLPCT.VALIDN Column percentage based on valid count. Percentages sum to 100% across the entire column. Layer Column Valid N % Percent
ROWPCT.TOTALN Row percentage based on total count, including user-missing and system-missing values. Row Total N % Percent
COLPCT.TOTALN Column percentage based on total count, including user-missing and system-missing values. Column Total N % Percent
TABLEPCT.TOTALN Table percentage based on total count, including user-missing and system-missing values. Table Total N % Percent
SUBTABLEPCT.TOTALN Subtable percentage based on total count, including user-missing and system-missing values. Subtable Total N % Percent
LAYERPCT.TOTALN Layer percentage based on total count, including user-missing and system-missing values. Layer Total N % Percent
LAYERROWPCT.TOTALN Row percentage based on total count, including user-missing and system-missing values. Percentages sum to 100% across the entire row. Layer Row Total N % Percent
LAYERCOLPCT.TOTALN Column percentage based on total count, including user-missing and system-missing values. Percentages sum to 100% across the entire column. Layer Column Total N % Percent

* This is the default on a U.S.-English system.

The .COUNT suffix can be omitted from percentages that are based on cell counts. Thus, ROWPCT is equivalent to ROWPCT.COUNT.

Table 2. Summary functions: scale variables, totals, and subtotals
Function Description Default Label Default Format
MAXIMUM Largest value. Maximum General
MEAN Arithmetic mean. The default for scale variables. Mean General
MEDIAN 50th percentile. Median General
MINIMUM Smallest value. Minimum General
MISSING Count of missing values (both user-missing and system-missing). Missing General
MODE Most frequent value. If there is a tie, the smallest value is shown. Mode General
PTILE Percentile. Takes a numeric value between 0 and 100 as a required parameter. PTILE is computed the same way as APTILE in the TABLES command. Note that in the TABLES command, the default percentile method was HPTILE. Percentile ####.## General
RANGE Difference between maximum and minimum values. Range General
SEMEAN Standard error of the mean. Std Error of Mean General
STDDEV Standard deviation. Std Deviation General
SUM Sum of values. Sum General
TOTALN Count of nonmissing, user-missing, and system-missing values. The count excludes valid values hidden via the CATEGORIES subcommand. Total N Count
VALIDN Count of nonmissing values. Valid N Count
VARIANCE Variance. Variance General
ROWPCT.SUM Row percentage based on sums. Row Sum % Percent
COLPCT.SUM Column percentage based on sums. Column Sum % Percent
TABLEPCT.SUM Table percentage based on sums. Table Sum % Percent
SUBTABLEPCT.SUM Subtable percentage based on sums. Subtable Sum % Percent
LAYERPCT.SUM Layer percentage based on sums. Layer Sum % Percent
LAYERROWPCT.SUM Row percentage based on sums. Percentages sum to 100% across the entire row. Layer Row Sum % Percent
LAYERCOLPCT.SUM Column percentage based on sums. Percentages sum to 100% across the entire column. Layer Column Sum % Percent
Table 3. Summary functions: multiple response sets
Function Description Default Label Default Format
RESPONSES Count of responses. Responses Count
ROWPCT.RESPONSES Row percentage based on responses. Total number of responses is the denominator. Row Responses % Percent
COLPCT.RESPONSES Column percentage based on responses. Total number of responses is the denominator. Column Responses % Percent
TABLEPCT.RESPONSES Table percentage based on responses. Total number of responses is the denominator. Table Responses % Percent
SUBTABLEPCT.RESPONSES Subtable percentage based on responses. Total number of responses is the denominator. Subtable Responses % Percent
LAYERPCT.RESPONSES Layer percentage based on responses. Total number of responses is the denominator. Layer Responses % Percent
LAYERROWPCT.RESPONSES Row percentage based on responses. Total number of responses is the denominator. Percentages sum to 100% across the entire row (that is, across subtables). Layer Row Responses % Percent
LAYERCOLPCT.RESPONSES Column percentage based on responses. Total number of responses is the denominator. Percentages sum to 100% across the entire column (that is, across subtables). Layer Column Responses % Percent
ROWPCT.RESPONSES.COUNT Row percentage: Responses are the numerator, and total count is the denominator. Row Responses % (Base: Count) Percent
COLPCT.RESPONSES.COUNT Column percentage: Responses are the numerator, and total count is the denominator. Column Responses % (Base: Count) Percent
TABLEPCT.RESPONSES.COUNT Table percentage: Responses are the numerator, and total count is the denominator. Table Responses % (Base: Count) Percent
SUBTABLEPCT.RESPONSES.COUNT Subtable percentage: Responses are the numerator, and total count is the denominator. Subtable Responses % (Base: Count) Percent
LAYERPCT.RESPONSES.COUNT Layer percentage: Responses are the numerator, and total count is the denominator. Layer Responses % (Base: Count) Percent
LAYERROWPCT.RESPONSES.COUNT Row percentage: Responses are the numerator, and total count is the denominator. Percentages sum to 100% across the entire row (that is, across subtables). Layer Row Responses % (Base: Count) Percent
LAYERCOLPCT.RESPONSES.COUNT Column percentage: Responses are the numerator, and total count is the denominator. Percentages sum to 100% across the entire column (that is, across subtables). Layer Column Responses % (Base: Count) Percent
ROWPCT.COUNT.RESPONSES Row percentage: Count is the numerator, and total responses are the denominator. Row Count % (Base: Responses) Percent
COLPCT.COUNT.RESPONSES Column percentage: Count is the numerator, and total responses are the denominator. Column Count % (Base: Responses) Percent
TABLEPCT.COUNT.RESPONSES Table percentage: Count is the numerator, and total responses are the denominator. Table Count % (Base: Responses) Percent
SUBTABLEPCT.COUNT. RESPONSES Subtable percentage: Count is the numerator, and total responses are the denominator. Subtable Count % (Base: Responses) Percent
LAYERPCT.COUNT. RESPONSES Layer percentage: Count is the numerator, and total responses are the denominator. Layer Count % (Base: Responses) Percent
LAYERROWPCT.COUNT.RESPONSES Row percentage: Count is the numerator, and total responses are the denominator. Percentages sum to 100% across the entire row (that is, across subtables). Layer Row Count % (Base: Responses) Percent
LAYERCOLPCT.COUNT.RESPONSES Row percentage: Count is the numerator, and total responses are the denominator. Percentages sum to 100% across the entire column (that is, across subtables). Layer Column Count % (Base: Responses) Percent