Overview (SET command)

Many of the running options in the program can be tailored to your own preferences with the SET command. The default settings for these options vary from system to system. To display the current settings, use the SHOW command. A setting that is changed by SET remains in effect for the entire working session unless changed again by another SET command. The PRESERVE command saves the current settings so that you can return to them later in the session by using the RESTORE command. PRESERVE and RESTORE are especially useful with the macro facility.


Memory Management. Use the WORKSPACE subcommand to dynamically allocate memory when some procedures indicate memory shortage. Use the MXCELLS subcommand to increase maximum cell numbers for a pivot table.

Output Format. Use the FORMAT subcommand to change the default (F8.2) print and write formats used for numeric variables. Use the TLOOK and CTEMPLATE subcommands to specify a TableLook file and/or a chart template file. (Note: TableLooks created in earlier versions of IBM® SPSS® Statistics cannot be used in version 16.0 or later.) Use the ONUMBERS, OVARS, TNUMBERS, and TVARS subcommands to define default display of variables in the outline or pivot tables. Use the TFIT subcommand to specify default column widths. Use the DIGITGROUPING subcommand to specify whether the current IBM SPSS Statistics locale’s digit grouping format is applied to numeric values in pivot tables, charts, and Model Viewer items, as well as in the Data Editor.

Samples and Random Numbers. You can use the RNG, SEED, and MTINDEX subcommands to change the random number generator and initialization value.

Output Destination. You can use the ERRORS, MESSAGES, PRINTBACK, and RESULTS subcommands to send error messages, resource-utilization messages, command printback, and the output from your commands to your screen and/or to a file. You can also suppress each of these items by using the keyword NONE.

Journal Files. The JOURNAL subcommand is obsolete. You can only set the journal location via the Options dialog (Edit menu>Options>File Locations tab).

Macro Displays. You can use the MEXPAND, MITERATE, and MNEST subcommands to control macro expansion, the maximum number of loop iterations, and nesting levels within a macro. You can also use the MPRINT subcommands to control the display of the variables, commands, and parameters that a macro uses.

Blanks and Undefined Input Data. You can use the BLANKS subcommand to specify the value that the program should use when it encounters a completely blank field for a numeric variable. You can also use UNDEFINED to turn off the warning message that the program issues when it encounters an invalid value for a numeric variable.

Maximum Warnings. You can use MXWARNS to limit the warning messages for each set of commands that read the data, after which further warnings are suppressed.

Maximum Loops. You can use MXLOOPS to raise or lower the maximum number of iterations that are allowed for the LOOP-END LOOP structure.

Scratch File Compression. You can specify whether scratch files are kept in compressed or uncompressed form using the ZCOMPRESSION subcommand.

Custom Currency Formats. You can customize currency formats for your own applications using the CCA, CCB, CCC, CCD, and CCE subcommands. For example, you can display currency as French francs rather than American dollars.

Cache File. The CACHE subcommand creates a complete copy of the active data file in temporary disk space after a specified number of changes in the active data file. Caching the active data file can improve performance.

Large Pivot Table Display. The ROWSBREAK, CELLSBREAK, and TOLERANCE subcommands control the display of large pivot tables in the Viewer. By default, tables with many rows are displayed in sections of 100 rows. To turn off this feature and always display the complete table regardless of size, specify ROWSBREAK=NONE. See the topic ROWSBREAK, CELLSBREAK, and TOLERANCE Subcommands (SET command) for more information.

Basic Specification

The basic specification is at least one subcommand.

Subcommand Order

Subcommands can be specified in any order.

Syntax Rules

  • You can specify as many subcommands as needed. Subcommands must be separated by at least one space or slash.
  • Only one keyword or argument can be specified for each subcommand.
  • SET can be used more than once in the command sequence.
  • YES and ON are aliases for each other. NO and OFF are aliases for each other.


  • Settings that are specified on SET remain in effect until they are changed by another SET command or until the current session is ended.
  • Each time that SET is used, only the specified settings are changed. All other settings remain at their previous settings or the default.
  • Where filenames are specified, they must include the full path. Relative file specifications, file handles, and filenames without a path are not allowed.