SAVE produces a data file in IBM® SPSS® Statistics format, which contains data plus a dictionary.

SAVE OUTFILE='filespec'

           {2  }

               {DELETE  }

 [/KEEP={ALL**  }] [/DROP=varlist]

 [/RENAME=(old varlist=new varlist)...]

 [/MAP]  [/{COMPRESSED**}]
           {ZCOMPRESSED }



                        {'password}               {YES }

**Default if the subcommand is omitted.

This command reads the active dataset and causes execution of any pending commands. See the topic Command Order for more information.

Syntax for the SAVE command can be generated from the Save Data As dialog box.

Release history

Release 21.0

  • ZCOMPRESSED subcommand added.
  • PASSPROTECT subcommand added.


SAVE OUTFILE='/data/empl.sav'.