Loglinear Analysis Define Range

You must indicate the range of categories for each factor variable. Values for Minimum and Maximum correspond to the lowest and highest categories of the factor variable. Both values must be integers, and the minimum value must be less than the maximum value. Cases with values outside of the bounds are excluded. For example, if you specify a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 3, only the values 1, 2, and 3 are used. Repeat this process for each factor variable.

Defining Ranges in Model Selection Loglinear Analysis

This feature requires the Advanced Statistics option.

  1. From the menus choose:

    Analyze > Loglinear > Model Selection...

  2. Select a factor variable and then click Define Range.
  3. Enter values for Minimum and Maximum that correspond to the lowest and highest categories of the factor variable.
  4. Repeat this process for each factor variable.