Status panel (ST)

The Status panel allows you to display information about jobs, started tasks, and TSO users on the JES queues.

Command keyword

Access the Status panel with the ST command from any SDSF panel.

Customize the display with parameters

The parameters shown in Table 1 allow you to customize the ST display.
The parameter usage is as follows:
ST(classes) (string)

ST with no parameters displays all jobs. The information displayed may be limited by your authorization and by settings for SDSF filters such as FILTER and PREFIX.

Consider the following examples:
  • STabc - Displays all jobs in classes A, B, and C.
  • ST jb* - Displays all jobs whose names begin with jb.
Table 1. ST Parameters
Parameter Description
classes Limits the job classes. For JES2, type up to 6 one-character classes. For jobs in execution, use A-Z or 0-9. For JES3, type one class, up to 6 characters. For more complex filters, use the FILTER command. You can use the following special characters:
  • * - Converter queue.
  • # - Started tasks in execution.
  • + - Output queue.
  • ? - Purge queue.
  • = - Spin queue.
  • @ - Jobs waiting to be transmitted to another queue.
  • $ - TSO users in execution.
  • ! - Hard-copy queue.
  • - - Input queue.
  • ) - Receiver queue.
  • / - Setup queue.
string A character string that limits the panel to jobs whose names match the character string. The string can be up to 8 characters, including:
  • * - To represent any character or string of characters.
  • % - To represent any single character.

ST command action characters

The action characters for the ST command are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. ST Command Action Characters
Action Character Description
// Block repeat; type // on the first row and another // on the last row to be processed.
= Repeat previous action character or overtype.
+(n) Expand the NP column; n is 4-20. (Use RESET to reset.)
%(exec) Run a REXX exec (ISPF only).
/ Show column values for row (ISPF only).
? Display a list of the data sets for a job. (Access the Job Data Set panel.)
A Release a held job.
C Cancel a job. For JES3, also process output data sets. You can add:
  • A - Job that is defined to Automatic Restart Manager (ARM).
  • D - And take a dump.
  • DA - Job that is defined to ARM, and take a dump.
  • DP - And take a dump but do not purge the job's output (JES3 only).
  • P - And print data sets ready for printing (JES3 only).
D Display job information in the log. You can add:
  • E - Line, page, record, and card counts (JES3 only).
  • L - Long form (JES2 only).
  • M - Mains on which the job is eligible to run (JES3 only).
  • MA - MDS allocate queue information (JES3 only).
  • ME - MDS error queue information (JES3 only).
  • MR - MDS restart queue information (JES3 only).
  • MSS - MDS system select queue information (JES3 only).
  • MSV - MDS system verify queue information (JES3 only).
  • MU - MDS unavailable volumes information (JES3 only).
  • P - Dependencies.
  • SD - DDNAMEs of all spool data sets that contain data (JES3 only).
  • SH - DDNAMEs of data sets in spool hold status that contain data (JES3 only).
  • SP - Spool partition name (JES3 only).
  • X - Extended (JES3 only).
E Process a job again. You can add (JES2 only):
  • C - Cancel and hold the job prior to execution.
  • S - After the current step completes.
  • SH - After the current step completes, restart and hold .
H Hold a job.
I Display job delay information.
J Start a job immediately.
JD Display the job's use of devices. (Access the Job Device panel.)
JM Display the job's use of memory. (Access the Job Memory panel.)
JP Display the job's dependencies. (Access the Job Dependency panel.)
L List output status of a job in the log. For JES3, this is job output in the writer queue. You can add:
  • B - SNA/NJE output (JES3 only).
  • H - Output on the hold queue (JES3 only).
  • L - Long form (JES2 only).
  • T - TCP/IP job output (JES3 only).
O Release held output for printing (JES2 only).
P Cancel a job and purge its output.
PO Purge output (JES2 only).
PP Cancel a protected job and purge its output (JES2 only).
Q Display output descriptors for all of the data sets for an output group.
Start of changeSEnd of change Start of changeBrowse the data sets for a job. You can add:
  • B - Use ISPF Browse.
  • E - Use ISPF Edit.
  • Start of changeV - Use ISPF ViewEnd of change
  • J - Use ISPF Edit to edit the JCL.
End of change
W Cause job and message logs to spin.
X Print output data sets. You can add:
  • C - Close the print file after printing (XC).
  • D - Display the Open Print Data Set panel (XD or XDC).
  • F - Display the Open Print File panel (XF or XFC).
  • S - Display the Open Print panel (XS or XSC).

Columns on the ST panel

The columns on the ST panel are shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Columns on the ST Panel
Column name Title (Displayed) Width Description Delay
JNAME JOBNAME 8 Job name. This is the fixed field. It is ignored if coded on an FLD statement or ISFFLD macro.  
JTYPE Type 4 Type of address space  
JNUM JNum1 6 JES job number  
JOBID JobID 8 JES job ID  
OWNERID Owner 8 User ID of job owner, or default values of ++++++++ or ????????, if user ID not defined to RACF®  
JPRIO Prty 4 JES job queue priority  
QUEUE Queue 10 JES queue name for job  
JCLASS C 8 JES input class  
POS Pos 5 Position in JES queue  
5 (JES2)
8 (JES3)
JES execution system affinity (if any)  
4 (JES2)
8 (JES3)
JES active system ID (if job active)  
STATUS Status 17 Status of job  
PRTDEST PrtDest 18 JES print destination name  
SECLABEL SecLabel 8 Security label of job  
TGNUM TGNum 5 Track groups used by a job  
TGPCT TGPct 6 Percentage of total track group usage  
ORIGNODE OrigNode 8 Origin node name  
EXECNODE ExecNode 8 Execution node name  
DEVID Device 18 JES device name  
RETCODE Max-RC 10 Return code information for the job.
  • blank - No completion information
  • ABENDUxxxx - Job abended or ABEND Sxxx
  • CANCELED - Job canceled
  • CC xxxx - Job ended normally
  • CC xxxx - Job ended by CC
  • CONV ABEND - Converter abended
  • JCL ERROR - JCL error
  • SEC ERROR - Security error
  • SYS FAIL - System failure
SRVCLS SrvClass 8 Service class  
WLMPOS WPos 5 Position on the WLM queue  
SCHENV Scheduling-Env 16 Scheduling environment for the job  
DELAY Dly 3 Indicator that job processing is delayed  
SSMODE Mode 4 Subsystem managing the job (JES or WLM)  
ROOMN RNum 8 JES job room number X
PNAME Programmer-Name 20 JES programmer name X
4 (JES2)
8 (JES3)
JES account number X
NOTIFY Notify 8 TSO user ID from NOTIFY parameter on job card X
4 (JES2)
8 (JES3)
JES input system ID X
TIMER Rd-Time 8 Time that the job was read in. In the SDSF task of z/OSMF, this is replaced by the Rd-DateTime column. X
DATER Rd-Date 8 Date that the job was read in. In the SDSF task of z/OSMF, this is replaced by the Rd-DateTime column. X
4 (JES2)
8 (JES3)
JES execution system ID X
TIMEE St-Time 8 Time that execution began. In the SDSF task of z/OSMF, this is replaced by the St-DateTime column. JES3 only.
DATEE St-Date 8 Date that execution began. In the SDSF task of z/OSMF, this is replaced by the St-DateTime column. JES3 only.
TIMEN End-Time 8 Time that execution ended. In the SDSF task of z/OSMF, this is replaced by the End-DateTime column. X
DATEN End-Date 8 Date that execution ended. In the SDSF task of z/OSMF, this is replaced by the End-DateTime column. X
ICARDS Cards 5 Number of cards read for job X
TSREC Tot-Lines 10 Total number of spool records for job X
OFFDEVS Offs 4 List of offload devices for a job or output that has been offloaded (JES2 only)  
SPIN Spin 4 Indicator of whether the job is eligible to be spun  
SUBGROUP SubGroup 8 Submitter group X
PHASENAME PhaseName 20 Name of the phase the job is in  
PHASE Phase 8 Number of the phase the job is in  
JOBACCT1 JobAcct11 20 Job accounting field 1 X
JOBACCT2 JobAcct21 20 Job accounting field 2 X
JOBACCT3 JobAcct31 20 Job accounting field 3 X
JOBACCT4 JobAcct41 20 Job accounting field 4 X
JOBACCT5 JobAcct51 20 Job accounting field 5 X
SUBUSER SubUser 8 Submitting user ID X
DELAYRSN DelayRsn 32 Reason for the job delay (JES2 only). The width can be expanded to 127.  
JOBCORR JobCorrelator 32 User portion of the job correlator (JES2 only)  
ASID ASID 5 ASID of the active job  
ASIDX ASIDX 5 ASID of the active job, in hexadecimal  
SYSNAME SysName 8 MVS system name where the job is executing  
DATETIMER Rd-DateTime 19 Date and time that the job was read in. This column is displayed only with the SDSF task of z/OSMF. It combines the information in the Rd-Date and Rd-Time columns. X
DATETIMEE St-DateTime 19 Date and time that execution began. This column is displayed only with the SDSF task of z/OSMF. It combines the information in the St-Date and St-Time columns. X
DATETIMEN End-DateTime 19 Date and time that execution ended. This column is displayed only with the SDSF task of z/OSMF. It combines the information in the End-Date and End-Time columns. X
JOBGROUP JobGroup 8 Name of the job group associated with job (JES2 only)  
JOBGRPID JobGrpID 8 JES2 job group job ID (JES2 only)  
JOBSET JobSet 8 Job set within the job group to which this job belongs (JES2 only)  
JGSTATUS JGStatus 8 Status of the job within the dependency network (JES2 only)  
FLUSHACT FlushAct 8 Flush action indicator (JES2 only)  
HOLDUNTIL HoldUntil 19 HOLDUNTIL date and time (JES2 only)  
STARTBY StartBy 19 STARTBY date and time (JES2 only)  
WITH With 19 Name of the job or started task that the job must run with (on the same system) (JES2 only)  
EMAIL EMail 48 Email address (JES2 only) X
BEFOREJOB BeforeJob 9 Name of job that must run before this one (JES2 only)  
BEFOREJID BeforeJID 4 JobID of job that must run before this one (JES2 only)  
AFTERJOB AfterJob 8 Name of job that must run after this one (JES2 only)  
AFTERJID AfterJID 8 JobID of job that must run after this one (JES2 only)  
SCHDELAY SchDelay 8 Job delayed due to schedule hold or after (JES2 only)  
BERTNUM BERTNum 7 Number of BERTs used by this job (JES2 only)  
JOENUM JOENum 6 Number of JOEs used by this job (JES2 only)  
JOEBERTNUM JOEBERTs 7 Number of BERTs used for this job’s JOEs (JES2 only)  
DUBIOUS Dubious 7 NJE job flagged as dubious (yes or no)  
NETONHOLD OrigNHold 9 Original number of job completions before this job can be released (JES2 only)  
NETCNHOLD CurrNHold 9 Current number of job completions before this job can be released (JES2 only)  
NETNORM Normal 6 Action to be taken when any predecessor job completes normally (D, F, or R) (JES2 only)  
NETABNORM Abnormal 6 Action to be taken when any predecessor job completes abnormally (D, F, or R) (JES2 only)  
NETNRCMP NrCmp 5 Network job normal completion (HOLD, NOHO, or FLSH) (JES2 only)  
NETABCMP AbCmp 5 Network job abnormal completion (NOKP or KEEP) (JES2 only)  
NETOPHOLD OpHold 6 Operator hold (YES or NO) (JES2 only)  
Start of changeJOBCRDATEEnd of change Start of changeJobCrDateEnd of change Start of change19End of change Start of changeJob creation date (JES2 only).End of change Start of change End of change
Start of changeISFENDEnd of change Start of change.ENDEnd of change Start of change4End of change Start of changeEnd of list marker. All columns that appear after this column will be hidden. Ignored if specified on the ISFFLD macro in ISFPARMS. The title and width cannot be changed using the FLDENT statement or through the ARRANGE command.End of change Start of change End of change
Scaling of data
When a value is too large to fit in the available space SDSF scales the value using these abbreviations:
Table 4. Scaling of data
Value Description
K Kilo (hexadecimal scaling)
T Thousands (decimal scaling) or Tera (hexadecimal scaling
M Millions (decimal scaling) or Mega (hexadecimal scaling)
B Billions (decimal scaling)
G Giga (hexadecimal scaling)
P Peta (hexadecimal scaling)
KB Kilobytes
MB Megabytes
GB Gigabytes
TB Terabytes
PB Petabytes

Changing the width of the column, with the ARRANGE command, affects the scaling. When filtering on columns that use binary abbreviations (KB, MB, and so forth) you can enter either a number or a number with the abbreviation. For example, 4096 and 4MB are both valid with entering a filter. However, SDSF always displays the value as 4MB.

Notes on the table:
  1. This column is not included in the default field list.