Record Type 99 (63) — System Resource Manager Decisions

This record type is written by the SRM component. The records contain:
  • Performance data for each service class period
  • Trace codes representing the SRM actions
  • The data which SRM used to decide which actions to take
  • The controls SRM is using to manage work.

In addition, subtypes 1 and 9 will be written by the SRM component when running in compatibility mode.

The mapping macro, IRASMF99, for this record is supplied in SYS1.AMODGEN.

Record 99 has the following subtypes:
Subtype 1
Contains system level data, the trace of SRM actions, and data about resource groups. The SRM actions are recorded in trace codes. All trace codes are described in z/OS MVS Programming: Workload Management Services. A subtype 1 record is written every policy interval.
Subtype 2
Contains data for service classes. A subtype 2 record is written every policy interval for each service class if any period in the service class had recent activity.
Subtype 3
Contains service class period plot data. A subtype 3 record is written every policy interval for each service class if any period in the service class had recent activity and plot data.
Subtype 4
Contains information about a device cluster. A device cluster is a set of service classes that compete to use the same non-paging DASD devices. A subtype 4 record is written every policy interval for each device cluster in the system.
Subtype 5
Contains data about monitored address spaces. A subtype 5 record is written each policy interval for each swapped in monitored address space.
Subtype 6
Contains summary information about each service class period, including the resource control settings for the next policy interval. A subtype 6 record is written each policy interval.
Subtype 7
Contains summary information for the Enterprise Storage Server® (ESS) with Parallel Access Volume (PAV) feature. A subtype 7 record is written every third policy interval.
Subtype 8
Contains summary information for LPAR CPU management. A subtype 8 record is written each policy interval, when in LPAR mode.
Subtype 9
Contains summary information for dynamic channel path management. A subtype 9 record is written each policy interval.
Subtype 10
Contains information about dynamic processor speed changes. A subtype 10 record is written for every processor speed change.
Subtype 11
Contains information about Group Capacity Limits. A subtype 11 record is written every 5 minutes.
Subtype 12
Contains HiperDispatch interval data. A set of subtype 12 records is written each policy interval.
Subtype 13
Contains information about HiperDispatch. This information is for IBM® internal use only.
Subtype 14
Contains HiperDispatch topology data. Subtype 14 records are written every 5 minutes, or in the current policy interval, if a HiperDispatch topology change happened.

For information about how to use type 99, see z/OS MVS Programming: Workload Management Services. For information about workload management, see z/OS MVS Planning: Workload Management.