Record type 42 (X'2A') — DFSMS statistics and configuration

Record type 42 contains the following subtype information:
  • Subtype 1 is created on a timed interval to collect device statistics. The time interval is specified in the IGDSMSxx parmlib member. Subtype 1 summarizes, on a storage-class basis, the buffer manager hits (number of page-read requests handled by the buffer manager). A Buffer Manager Facility (BMF) totals section (64 bytes) enables analysis of overall BMF performance. There is one storage-class summary section (64 bytes) for each storage class.
  • Subtype 2 has one section (88 bytes) for each DASD control unit having at least one storage management subsystem (SMS)-managed device attached. There is one section (16 bytes) for each SMS-managed volume attached to such a control unit.
  • Subtype 3 is written each time the SMS configuration is changed. The following events cause subtype 3 to be generated:
    • Start of changeThe operator issued one of the following VARY SMS commands:
      • VARY SMS,LIBRARY (tape or optical)
      • VARY SMS,DRIVE (optical only)
      End of change
    • An ACTIVATE occurred, either by issuing an ACTIVATE command in ISMF or a SETSMS command on the console.
    • An event notification facility (ENF) event occurred because the operator issued a VARY command to an SMS-managed volume.
    • The status of a LIBRARY or DRIVE has been UPDATED by the Object Access Method (OAC).
  • Subtype 4 is written to collect System Data Mover session statistics for a concurrent copy session or for an extended sequential data set when interfacing with the backup program. Concurrent copy records contain the identifier CC; extended sequential data set records contain EXT.
    • The CC SMF record is issued when the concurrent copy session completes.
    • The EXT SMF record is issued at the close of the processing for the extended sequential data set as follows:
      • If the backup program requested that the extended sequential data set is dumped to tape, one EXT SMF record is issued for reading the entire extended sequential data set.
      • If the backup program requested that the extended sequential data set is copied to DASD, one EXT SMF record is issued for reading the entire extended sequential data set and one EXT SMF record is issued for writing the entire extended sequential data set to DASD.
      • If the backup program requested that the extended sequential data set is processed using a concurrent copy session, then the CC SMF record contains the statistics for reading the extended sequential data set and no EXT SMF record is issued for reading the extended sequential data set. If the concurrent copy session was for a copy to DASD, one EXT SMF record is issued for writing each extended sequential data set to DASD.
    For additional information about SMF record 42 subtype 4, see Implementing Concurrent Copy.
  • Subtype 5 includes storage class, VTOC and INDEX, VVDS, Start of changesystem, and disk backgroundEnd of change I/O statistics. Subtype 5 is written when the global SMF interval expires. The global SMF interval is specified from the INTVAL parameter in the SMF parmlib member.
    Note: Record type 30 records can also be synchronized to the global interval. See Record type 30 (X'1E') — Common address space work for more information.
  • Subtype 6 records DASD data set level I/O statistics. There are two events that cause subtype 6 to be generated:
    • Close, or
    • Immediately after the recording of the type 30 interval record. There is one type 42 subtype 6 record for each type 30 interval record.

      For the SMSPDSE and SMSPDSE1 address spaces, type 42 subtype 6 records are recorded at the BMFTIME interval immediately after the type 42 subtype 1 records.

      Type 42 subtype 6 records are not recorded when there are no I/O statistics.

  • Subtype 7 is used by Network file system (NFS). See z/OS Network File System Guide and Reference for additional information.
  • Subtype 8 is used by NFS. See z/OS Network File System Guide and Reference for additional information.
  • Subtype 9 is written each time a B37/D37/E37 abend is issued. It includes information about the data set, UCB, JFCB and job that is abending.
  • Subtype 10 is written at the time of volume selection failure because of insufficient space when allocating a data set.
  • Subtype 11 is written for extended remote copy (XRC) session statistics whenever the SMF timer interval ends.
  • Subtype 14 is written to report ADSTAR Distributed Storage Manager (ADSM) accounting for server resources used during a session.
    Note: This subtype is not mapped using the IFASMFR macro.
  • Subtype 15 can be created on a timed interval or whenever the SMF timer ends to collect data about VSAM record-level sharing (RLS) storage class response time. This data includes information for each system and a sysplex-wide summary.
  • Subtype 16 can be created on a timed interval or whenever the SMF timer ends to collect data about VSAM RLS data set response time. This data includes information for each system and a sysplex-wide summary.
  • Subtype 17 can be created on a timed interval or whenever the SMF timer ends to collect data about VSAM RLS coupling facility (CF) lock structure usage. This data includes information for each system and a sysplex-wide summary.
  • Subtype 18 can be created on a timed interval or whenever the SMF timer ends to collect data about VSAM RLS CF cache partition usage. This data includes information for each system and a sysplex-wide summary.
  • Subtype 19 can be created on a timed interval or whenever the SMF timer ends to collect data about VSAM RLS Local Buffer Manager LRU Statistics Summary. This data includes information for each system and a sysplex-wide summary.
For Subtypes 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19, specify the time interval in the IGDSMSxx parmlib member and activate recording on one system in the sysplex. Because data is collected across the sysplex, it is unnecessary to merge SMF records from all the systems in the sysplex.
  • Subtype 20 is written when STOW INITIALIZE is used to delete all the members from a PDSE to indicate who or what (job, started task, or TSO user) issued the STOW INITIALIZE. It contains the name of the data set and the volume serial of the volume on which it resided.
  • Subtype 21 is written when a member is deleted from a PDS or a PDSE to indicate who or what (job, started task, or TSO user) deleted the member. It contains the name of the data set and the volume serial of the volume on which it resided, including all the aliases of the member that fits in the SMF record.
  • Subtype 22 is used by DFSMSrmm for audit records. Use the IBM® assigned record type 42 subtypes 22 to avoid DFSMSrmm SMF records requiring record types from the user-written range.
  • Subtype 23 is used by DFSMSrmm for security records. Use the IBM assigned record type 42 subtypes 23 to avoid DFSMSrmm SMF records requiring record types from the user-written range.
  • Subtype 24 is written when a member is added or replaced from a PDS or a PDSE to indicate who or what (job, started task, or TSO user) added or replaced the member. It contains the name of the data set and the volume serial of the volume on which it resided. If the member replaced is a primary name in a PDSE, the SMF record also includes any alias names associated with the replaced member. The number of alias names included is limited to the maximum size that can be contained in an SMF record.

    Only those applications that issue STOW and DESERV calls for PDS or PDSE directory processing will generate Subtype 24 records. Some applications, such as IEBCOPY, do not issue a STOW or DESERV when updating the directory. Thus, a subtype 24 record will not be created.

  • Subtype 25 is written when a member is renamed from a PDS or a PDSE to indicate who or what (job, started task, or TSO user) renamed the member. It contains the name of the data set and the volume serial of the volume on which it resided, including the old name and new name of the member.

    Only those applications that issue STOW and DESERV calls for PDS or PDSE directory processing generates Subtype 25 records. Some applications, such as IEBCOPY, do not issue a STOW or DESERV when updating the directory. Thus, a subtype 25 record will not be created.

  • Subtype 26 is used by NFS. See z/OS Network File System Guide and Reference for additional information.
  • Subtype 27 is created each time the VTOC is changed. The following events cause subtype 27 to be generated:
    • Data set operations (create, extend, partial release, rename, scratch)
    • Defrag and consolidate
    • DSCB update