Record type 113 (X'71') — Hardware capacity, reporting, and statistics

The system writes record type 113 to record hardware capacity, reporting, and statistics for IBM® System z10 or later CPCs. With the enhanced-monitor facility released with the IBM z196 and later CPCs, the SMF record can be utilized to capture software events.

For more information about hardware data event collection, see Setting up hardware event data collection in z/OS MVS System Commands.

Record type 113 has two subtypes:
IBM makes the following recommendations:
  • Products should process SMF type 113 subtype 1 records, when available, because that is where future enhancements will be made. If subtype 1 records are not available, products may process the subtype 2 records.
  • Customers should collect SMF type 113 subtype 1 and 2 records.