Subtype 29 — SET PROG (to activate LNKLST set)

LNKLST set activation

Offsets Name Length Format Description
0 0 SMF90T29LNKLSTSEQ# 4 binary Sequence number for the LNKLST set. The sequence number is increased whenever a LNKLST set is activated.
4 4 SMF90T29LNKLSTNAME 16 EBCDIC Name of the LNKLST set activated.
20 14 SMF90T29TIMESTAMP 8 binary Time and date (STCK) of the LNKLST set activation.
28 1C SMF90T29CONSID 4 binary Console ID of the console that issued the command for LNKLST activation.
32 20 SMF90T29UTOKEN 80 binary User token of the issuer of the command for LNKLST activation.