Subtype 24 — VARY WLM

Subtype 24 contains the workload management service policy, as mapped by the IWMSVPOL macro. It has a size dependency of 32K. If the policy exceeds 32K, additional subtype 24 records are written. Each subtype contains the header information. You must map the corresponding service policy information as mapped in IWMSVPOL. For a mapping of IWMSVPOL, see z/OS® MVS™ Data Areas in the z/OS Internet library.

The field SMF9024N contains the number of subtype 24 records that are written to map the service policy. The field SMF9024P contains the length of the subtype 24.

Mapping a single subtype 24 record

To map the WLM policy when there is one subtype 24 (SMF9024N = 1), base IWMSVPOL on ADDR(SMF90T24) + LENGTH(SMF9024P).

Mapping multiple subtype 24 records

To map the WLM policy when there is more than one subtype 24 written (SMF9024N > 1), use the following procedure:
  1. Determine the storage required by multiplying 32K times the number of subtype 24 records.
    32K * SMF9024N
  2. Obtain a storage block equal to 32K * SMF9024N
  3. Read all (SMF9024N) subtype 24 records that have the same unique identifier (SMF9024I).
  4. Copy the first subtype 24 record (SMF9024S=1) beginning at SMF9024A for a length of SMF90DLN - LENGTH(SMF9024P) to the start of the obtained storage.
  5. Copy the next subtype 24 record (SMF9024S=2) beginning at SMF9024A for a length of SMF90DLN-LENGTH(SMF9024P) to the byte in the obtained storage immediately after the previous record.
  6. Repeat the previous step for each additional subtype 24 record.

When you have merged all the subtype 24 records, map the resulting data to the IWMSVPOL mapping macro.

VARY WLM command data section - service policy header

Offsets Name Length Format Description
    SMF9024P     Prefix area to subtype 24. Allows assembling several records together to map the entire WLM service policy.
0 0 SMF9024S 4 binary Sequence number. When the service policy is larger than will fit in 1 subtype 24 record, this field describes the order in which individual records must be combined to view the entire service policy.
4 4 SMF9024N 4 binary Number of subtype 24 records which must be combined to map the policy. When 1 record is enough, both SMF9024S and SMF9024N will be 1.
8 8 SMF9024I 4 binary Unique ID that is used to ensure all “N” records of 1 policy can be combined without mixing data from 2 rapid VARY policy commands.
12 C SMF9024A * EBCDIC The active service policy. This area is mapped by IWMSVPOL.