Dynamic Exits Facility

The dynamic exits facility is a set of services that you can use through any of the following methods:
  • The EXIT statement of the PROGxx parmlib member. The EXIT statement allows an installation to add exit routines to an exit, change the state of an exit routine, delete an exit routine for an exit, undefine an implicitly defined exit, and change the attributes of an exit.

    The PROGxx EXIT statement interacts with the PROG=xx parameter of IEASYSxx and the SET PROG=xx command. At IPL, operators can use PROG=xx to specify the particular PROGxx parmlib member the system is to use. During normal processing, operators can use the SET PROG=xx command to set a current PROGxx parmlib member. See z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference for information about the PROGxx parmlib member.

  • The SETPROG EXIT operator command. This command performs the same functions as the EXIT statement of the PROGxx parmlib member. See z/OS MVS System Commands for information about the SETPROG EXIT command.
  • The CSVDYNEX macro. The CSVDYNEX macro can be used to define exits to the dynamic exits facility, control their use within a program, and associate one or more exit routines with those exits. It can also be used to associate exit routines with the existing SMF and allocation exits, which have been defined to the dynamic exits facility. The CSVDYNEX macro provides a superset of the functions available through the SETPROG EXIT operator command and the EXIT statement of the PROGxx parmlib member. See z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference ALE-DYN for information about the CSVDYNEX macro.

An installation can use any of these methods to control dynamic exits. For example, an exit routine can be associated with an exit using the CSVDYNEX ADD request, the SETPROG EXIT,ADD operator command, or the EXIT statement of PROGxx.

The following exits have been defined to the dynamic exits facility:
  • ABDUMP exit:
    • IEAVTABX_EXIT - ABDUMP Change Options / | Suppress Dump Exit
  • Allocation exits:
    • IEF_ALLC_OFFLN— Allocated/Offline Device Installation Exit
    • IEFDB401— Allocation Input Validation Routine
    • IEF_SPEC_WAIT— Specific Waits Installation Exit
    • IEF_VOLUME_ENQ— Volume ENQ Installation Exit
    • IEF_VOLUME_MNT— Volume Mount Installation Exit
  • Automatic restart management exits:
    • IXC_ELEM_RESTART— Element Restart Exit
    • IXC_WORK_RESTART— Workload Restart Exit
  • SMF exits:
    • IEFACTRT— SMF Job/Job Step Termination Exit
    • IEFUAV— User Account Validation Exit
    • IEFUJI— Job Initiation Exit
    • IEFUJP— Job Purge Exit
    • IEFUJV— Job Validation Exit
    • IEFUSI— Step Initiation Exit
    • IEFUSO— SYSOUT Limit Exit
    • IEFUTL— Time Limit Exit
    • IEFU29— SMF Dump Exit
    • IEFU83— SMF Record Exit
    • IEFU84— SMF Record Exit
    • IEFU85— SMF Record Exit
  • Subsystem interface (SSI) exit:
    • IEFJFRQ— Subsystem Function Request Exit
  • SVC dump (SDUMP) exits: