PARMDD parameter

Parameter type

Keyword, optional


Use the PARMDD parameter along with a DD statement to pass variable information to the processing program executed by this job step. To use the information, the processing program must contain instructions to retrieve the information. The format of the data that is generated by the PARMDD parameter is compatible with the format of the data that is generated by the PARM parameter, except that PARMDD data is not restricted to a length of 100. For more information about the format of the passed information and its retrieval, see Conventions for passing information through a parameter list.

Specifying the PARMDD keyword causes the job to be scheduled on systems that are at or above the z/OS 2.1 level.

The DD statement can be a SYSIN DD (a DD coded as DD * or DD DATA) or it can reference a data set, UNIX System Service file, or DD statement in a previous step (using DSN=*.stepname.ddname).

The PARMDD keyword is mutually exclusive with the PARM keyword.


For details on the format of the passed information and its retrieval, see z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Guide.

If the program to be invoked is from an APF-authorized library or is bound with the AC(1) attribute, see z/OS MVS Program Management: User's Guide and Reference for a discussion of the Binder LONGPARM option.