Using the RACF SMF data unload utility output with Db2

The records produced by the RACF® SMF data unload utility are designed to be processed by the DB2® load utility or its equivalent. The definition and control statements for a Db2 utilization of the output, all of which are contained in SYS1.SAMPLIB, are as follows:
  • Sample data definition language (DDL) statements to define the relational presentation of the audit information and sample Db2 definitions which perform database and index creation. These are in member IRRADUTB.
  • Sample control statements for the Db2 load utility that map the output from the RACF SMF data unload utility. These are in member IRRADULD.
  • Sample structured query language (SQL) queries that demonstrate useful inquiries that can be made. These are in member IRRADUQR.
For complete information about Db2, see:
  • Db2 for MVS/ESA Administration Guide
  • Db2 for MVS/ESA SQL Reference
  • Db2 for MVS/ESA What's New