Channel path IDs or CHPIDs can be added or modified once you have created a processor or a channel subsystem within an XMP processor. First display the Processor dialog by double-clicking on the processor in the configuration diagram, or by choosing Processor... from the Edit menu and selecting a processor from the list box that appears. Then click on the CHPIDs... button in the Processor dialog to display the CHPIDs dialog. For XMP processors, this button is in the Channel Subsystems section of the Processor dialog.


Wherever a CHPID for an XMP processor needs to be identified, it is named in the format procname.n.xx where:

  • procname is the name of the XMP processor
  • n is the CSS ID within the processor
  • xx is the CHPID within the CSS (two hexadecimal digits).



Also, for CHPIDs in XMP processors, you can make the physical channel information visible by adding column PCHID into the window.

Figure 1. CHPIDs
CHPIDs dialog. This dialog is accessible from the HCM product and includes accessible help information.

The list box in the CHPIDs dialog shows all CHPIDs for the selected processor or the selected channel subsystem of an XMP processor. You can create or delete CHPIDs from this dialog. You can select one or more CHPIDs to view details or assign them to partitions.

Pressing the Columns… button opens the Choose Columns dialog which lets you add or remove columns to or from the CHPIDs dialog. Figure 2 shows how the columns have been selected that are displayed in Figure 1. In the left hand box, you can read the columns that are additionally available, but currently excluded from the CHPIDs dialog.

Figure 2. Choose Columns
Choose Columns dialog. This dialog is described in the surrounding text.

There may be four special cases of CHPID text displayed in the list box, for example:

ID Interface type Type Mode Meaning
AC S CNC SHR Normal case
AC*   CNC SHR CHPID without a physical channel
AC* S Physical channel without a CHPID (columns Type and Mode are blank)
AC/32 S CNC SHR A CHPID mapped to Channel 32 (only appears on “one processor per partition” machines)