PSP information

z/OS® and most products that run on it provide files that contain information that becomes available after the product information is published. Kept on the IBM® RETAIN system and also available using IBMLink, these files are called preventive service planning (PSP) buckets, or just PSPs. These terms were chosen when PSP buckets contained only APAR- and PTF-related information, but over time customers requested a more general repository of important installation-related information, and the role of the PSP bucket has grown.

PSP buckets are kept on the IBM RETAIN system and are available to customers at Preventive Service Planning buckets.

PSP buckets are identified by an upgrade identifier, and specific parts of them are called subsets. Each upgrade contains information about a product. Subsets contain information about specific parts of a product. For example, the z/OS PSP bucket has subsets for the BCP, JES2, ServerPac, and others.

Start of changeFor software upgrades for ServerPac and CBPDO installations, see z/OS Program Directory in the z/OS Internet library. For ServerPac, the upgrade is ZOSV2R4 and the subset is SERVERPAC. For software upgrades for SystemPac installations, the upgrade is CUSTOMPAC and the subsets are SYSPAC/FVD (for full volume dump format) and SYSPAC/DBD (for dump-by-data-set format). For hardware upgrades, see PSP hardware upgrade identifiers.End of change

At the beginning of each PSP bucket is a change index. For each subset, the change index identifies the date of the latest entries in each section. You can quickly determine whether there are new entries you need to read by checking the change index.

Each subset is broken into five sections, numbered 1 - 5:
Section 1
Installation Information. This section contains any changes to installation procedures or information about additional requisite PTFs.
Section 2
Documentation Changes. This section contains any major changes to product information.
Section 3
General Information. This section contains important information that does not fit in another section.
Section 4
Service Recommendations. The original purpose of the PSP bucket was to provide this information, which includes a list of HIPER APARs and their fixes, as well as other important service-related information.
Section 5
Cross-Product Dependencies. This section contains information about the levels or service levels of other products you might need to run with the software you intend to install, or service that you might need to install to run other products.