Missing VTAM trace records

Problem statement
The expected output data is missing from a VTAM® trace that was run with GTF active.
Common symptoms
There is no VTAM data, missing VTAM data, or unwanted data in the GTF trace data set.
Probable cause
When TRACE=USR is specified, GTF collects all USR events issued in the MVS™ system.
User response
To select the events you want to trace, specify USRP on the GTF macroinstruction and select the required event identifiers (EIDs) as shown in the following examples:
  • VTAM buffer EIDs: FEF FF1 FF0 (EFEF EFF1 EFF0)
  • VTAM line trace EIDS (not formatted by GTFTRACE): FE4 FF2 (EFE4 EFF2)
  • VTAM I/O trace EID: FE1 (EFE1)
  • VTAM internal trace EID: FE1 (EFE1)
  • VTAM 3270 IDS trace EID: F90 (EF90)

See Activating network traces for more information.

Note: To prompt the system for VTAM records, specify USRP in the parameter field of the GTF procedure. You must code a GTF procedure that is used by VTAM only. If you do not, you will get GTF USR output that contains unwanted records.