System panel (SYS)

The System Panel (SYS) allows you to display information about systems in the sysplex such as CPU busy, storage utilization, and IPL information.

Command keyword

Access the System panel with the SYS command from any SDSF panel.

SYS command action characters

The action characters for the SYS command are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. SYS Command Action Characters
Action Character Description
// Block repeat; type // on the first row and another // on the last row to be processed.
= Repeat previous action character or overtype.
+(n) Expand the NP column; n is 4-20. (Use RESET to reset.)
%(exec) Run a REXX exec (ISPF only).
/ Show column values for row (ISPF only).
D Display IPL information.
DAA Display all address spaces.
DAL Display address space list.
DALO Display allocation options.
DC Display consoles.
DCEE Display language environment options.
DD Display dump information.
DEM Display EMCS consoles.
DG Display GRS information.
DI Display IOS information.
DIQP Display IQP options.
DLL Display LLA information.
DLO Display system logger information.
DLR Display LOGREC information.
DM Display configuration.
DMP Display MPF.
DO Display OMVS options.
DP Display product registration.
DPCD Display PCIE device information.
DPCI Display PCIE options.
DSF Display SMF status.
DSL Display SLIP information.
DSM Display SMS information.
DSY Display system symbols.
DT Display time.
DTO Display TSO options.
DTR Display trace.
DTS Display TSO address spaces.
DW Display WLM information.
DX Display XCF sysplex information.

Columns on the SYS panel

The columns on the SYS panel are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Columns on the SYS Panel
Column name Title (Displayed) Width Description
SYSNAME SYSNAME 8 System name. This is the fixed field. It is ignored if coded on an FLD statement or ISFFLD macro.
SYSLEVEL SysLevel 3 Operating system level
CPUPR CPU% 4 CPU percent busy for the system
SIO SIO 8 Start I/O rate EXCPs per second
AUXPCT Aux% 4 Auxiliary storage percentage used
CSAPCT CSA% 4 Common storage area percentage used
SQAPCT SQA% 4 System queue area percentage used
ECSAPCT ECSA% 5 Extended common area percentage used
ESQAPCT   5 Extended system queue area percentage used
UIC UIC 5 High unreferenced interval count
SPOOLPCT Spool% 6 Spool utilization for primary JES
CADSPCT CADS% 5 Common Access Dataspace percentage used of maximum defined
PAGERATE PageRate 8 Paging rate
REAL Real 8 Number of real storage frames online
REALAFC RealAFC 8 Real storage available frame count
REALAFCB RealAFCB 8 Real storage available frame count below 16MB line
FIXPCT Fix% 4 Percentage of real storage frames that are fixed
FIXBPCT FixB% 5 Percentage of real storage frames that are fixed below the 16MB line
MAXASID MaxASID 7 Maximum number of address spaces
FREEASID FreeASID 8 Number of free address spaces
BADASID BadASID 7 Number of non-reusable address spaces
STCNUM STC 6 Number of active started tasks
TSUNUM TSU 6 Number of active TSO users
JOBNUM Job 6 Number of active batch jobs
WTORNUM WTOR 4 Number of outstanding WTORs
SYSPLEX Sysplex 8 Sysplex name
VMUSER VMUser 8 VM user ID
JESNAME JES 4 Job entry subsystem name
JESNODE JESNode 8 JES node name
SMF SMF 4 SMF system ID
IPLVOL IPLVol 6 IPL volume serial
IPLUNIT IPLUnit 7 IPL unit address
IPLDAYS IPLDays 7 Number of days since last IPL
LOADPARM LoadParm 8 Load parameter
CVTVERID CVTVERID 16 CVT version ID associated with system
LOADDSN LoadDSName 44 LOADxx data set name
LOADUNIT LoadUnit 8 LOADxx unit address
IEASYS IEASYS 16 IEASYSxx parameters for the system
IEASYM IEASYM 16 IEASYMxx parameters for the system
GRS GRS 4 GRS mode
HWNAME HWName 8 Hardware name
CPC CPC 30 Central Processor Complex node descriptor
MSU MSU 8 MSU rating for processor
SYSMSU SysMSU 8 MSU rating for image
AVGMSU AvgMSU 8 Four hour rolling MSU for system
CPUNUM #CPU 4 Number of online CPUs
ZAAPNUM #ZAAP 5 Number of online zAAP processors
ZIIPNUM #ZIIP 5 Number of online zIIP processors
OSCONFIG OSConfig 8 Operating system configuration
EDT EDT 3 Eligible device table ID
IODFDSN IODFDSName 44 IODF data set name
IODFDATE IODFDate 19 Date and time IODF last changed
CATDSN   44 Master catalog data set name
CATVOL CatVol 6 Master catalog volume serial
MLA MLA 3 Multi-level alias setting for system
CATTYPE CatType 7 Master catalog type
NETID NetID 8 VTAM network ID
STATDATE StatDate 19 Date and time statistics collected
Start of changeIPLCUNITEnd of change Start of changeIPLCurrEnd of change Start of change7End of change Start of changeIPL unit address (current)End of change
Start of changeIODFUNITEnd of change Start of changeIODFUnitEnd of change Start of change8End of change Start of changeIODF unit address (original)End of change
Start of changeIODFCUNITEnd of change Start of changeIODFCurrEnd of change Start of change8End of change Start of changeIODF unit address (current)End of change