z/OSMF considerations

IBM® z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF) provides a framework for managing various aspects of a z/OS system through a web browser interface. By streamlining some traditional tasks and automating others, z/OSMF can help to simplify some areas of z/OS system management.

The SDSF task of z/OSMF lets you see key summary information about your sysplex in graphical form, work with jobs and checks for IBM z/OS Health Checker, and issue system commands. It includes function that is analogous to these functions of z/OS SDSF:
  • DA, H, I, O, ST, Job Data Set and Output Data Set (browse) panels, for jobs and job output
  • CK and Health Check History panels, for health checks
  • Start of changeAPF, DEV, LNK, LPA, SMSG, NA, PAG, PARM, SYS, CFS panelsEnd of change
  • ULOG panel, for command and message responses issued during the current session
  • Editing JCL
  • Action characters for controlling jobs and checks
  • Overtypeable fields, for modifying the attributes of jobs and checks
  • Slash (/) command, for issuing system commands
  • PREFIX, DEST, OWNER, SYSNAME, FILTER and SORT commands, for filtering and sorting tabular data
  • ARRANGE command, for customizing the order and widths of columns

To select the SDSF task, expand the Jobs and Resources category in the navigation area and select SDSF.


The SDSF task requires:
  • A TSO logon proc and related settings, which you specify with the SDSF Settings task in the z/OSMF Settings category. The TSO logon proc is used to launch a TSO address space that is created on behalf of the user. For details on the settings, refer to Defining required settings for the SDSF task.
  • For remote systems to be displayed on the overview page of the SDSF task, SDSF communications must be active with a minimum level of z/OS SDSF V2R1. For more information, refer to Using the server for sysplex data.

Adding the SDSF task to z/OSMF

To add the SDSF task to z/OSMF, you import a properties file through the Import Manager task of z/OSMF, which is in the z/OSMF Administration category. This process is described in the z/OSMF online help.

The properties file for SDSF is /usr/lpp/sdsf/zosmf/sdsf.properties. Specify this file name in the Import dialog.

The import is generally a one-time process. The SDSF plug-in only needs to be imported the first time you are installing SDSF or after you have deleted the plug-in and want to restore it.

Defining required settings for the SDSF task

Before selecting the SDSF task the first time, you must define some settings. To do this, expand the z/OSMF Settings category, then select SDSF Settings. Supply a value for each required field. The settings are saved across sessions.

For TSO logon proc, you can specify any logon proc for which the user is authorized that is suitable for SDSF, as long as it contains either a //SYSEXEC or //SYSPROC that references data set ISF.SISFEXEC.

You do not need to create a new logon procedure for exclusive use of the z/OSMF SDSF task.

Example: The following is a sample logon proc that can be used by the SDSF task, with the minimum allocations. You may need to adjust the data set name for your installation.

The SDSF task does not use ISPF, so ISPF allocations are not required. If you use a logon proc that includes ISPF allocations, ensure that the allocations can be shared between the launched TSO address space and a standard TSO login. In particular, ensure that any ISPF profile allocation will allow both the launched TSO address space and the standard login to proceed.

If your logon proc invokes an initial command (using the PARM= keyword on the EXEC statement), the command must return to the TSO READY prompt. When the logon completes, SDSF waits for the TSO READY prompt before proceeding.

If the logon fails when launching the SDSF task, click the TSO Messages link to view TSO messages that were issued during logon. Common errors preventing a successful launch include a JCL error in the logon proc, an invalid account number, and a missing ISF.SISFEXEC data set in the //SYSEXEC concatenation.

Reviewing z/OS Unix System Services settings

SDSF uses the z/OS Unix System Services interprocess communications (IPC) message queue for communications between SDSF and z/OSMF. The maximum message size is controlled by the size of the queue defined by the IPCMSGQBYTES option of PARMLIB member BPXPRMxx.

Message sizes used by SDSF vary based on the request type and amount of data returned in the response. You should review the setting of IPCMSGQBYTES on your system (using the D OMVS,O operator command) to ensure it is large enough for the messages sent by SDSF.

For details, refer to the topic about BPXPRMxx in z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference.

Protecting SDSF function in z/OSMF

The function provided by the SDSF task in z/OSMF is protected just as z/OS SDSF is protected, with the same SAF resources and ISFPARMS parameters. To control which group in ISFPARMS a user is assigned to, you can use either:

  • SAF.

    To determine group membership, SDSF checks the SAF resource GROUP.group-name.server-name in the SDSF class. This is explained in detail in Using SAF to control group membership.

  • The TSOAUTH parameter of the ISFGRP statement in ISFPARMS.

    For more information, refer to Group membership.

Using SAF is the recommended approach, as it is more dynamic and allows you to assign users to the same group regardless of the environment from which they invoke SDSF.

To hide SDSF functions that you are not authorized to, you can use Authorization preferences in the SDSF Settings task.

Using the SDSF task in z/OSMF has these new requirements:

  • You must have access to resources in the ZMFAPLA class.
    Table 1. Resources in the ZMFAPLA Class
    z/OSMF Task Resource Access Required Class
    You configure saf-prefix in z/OSMF. The default is IZUDFLT.
  • Your user ID must be connected to the IZUUSER group.

Access to views in z/OSMF is protected in the same way as the corresponding panel command in z/OS SDSF. For a description of protecting SDSF commands with SAF, refer to Authorized SDSF commands. For a description of protecting SDSF commands with the AUTH parameter of ISFPARMS, refer to Group function parameters reference.

Table 2. z/OSMF Views and Corresponding z/OS SDSF Commands
View SDSF Command
Active Jobs DA
All Jobs ST
Input Queue I
Output Queue O
Held Output Queue H
Start of changeAddress Space MemoryEnd of change Start of changeASEnd of change
Start of changeUnix ProcessesEnd of change Start of changePSEnd of change
Health Checks CK
System Information SYS
Spool Data Sets SP
CF Structures CFS
APF Data Sets APF
LNK Data Sets LNK
LPA Data Sets LPA
PAG Data Sets PG
Network Activity NA
SMS Storage Groups SMSG
Device activity DEV
The Overview tab requires access to these SDSF functions:
  • The DA and SP panels for the System Activity graph
  • The CK panel for the Health Check graph
  • The slash (/) command, for the System command line.

Modifying values in tables or on property sheets in z/OSMF is protected in the same way as overtyping fields in z/OS SDSF. The columns have the same titles in z/OSMF as in z/OS SDSF. For more information about protecting overtyping fields with SAF, refer to Overtypeable fields. With ISFPARMS, overtyping fields is protected with the CMDLEV parameter. Refer to Action characters and overtypeable fields for each command level for more information.

Actions on tables in z/OSMF are protected in the same way as the corresponding action characters in z/OS SDSF. The tables that follow show the actions for each of the tables in the SDSF task, and the corresponding action character for z/OS SDSF. For a complete discussion of protecting action characters with SAF, refer to Action characters. With ISFPARMS, action characters are protected with the CMDLEV parameter. Refer to Action characters and overtypeable fields for each command level for more information.

Table 3. Actions on the Active Jobs Table
Action on the Active Jobs Table Action Character on the DA Panel
Browse All Job Data Sets S
Cancel Job C
Cancel Job and Print Available Data Sets (JES3 only) CP
Cancel Job and Produce a Dump CD
Cancel Job and Purge Output P
Cancel Job and Restart Automatically CA
Cancel Job, Restart, and Hold Prior to Execution (JES2 only) EC
Cancel Job, Restart Automatically, and Produce a Dump CDA
Cancel Job, Take a Dump and Keep Job Output CDP
Cancel Protected Job and Purge Output (JES2 only) PP
Display DDNAMES of All Spool Data Sets that Contain Data (JES3 only) DSD
Display DDNAMES of Data Sets in Spool Hold Status that Contain Data (JES3 only) DSH
Display Extended Information (JES3 only) DX
Display Information Short Form D
Display Information Long Form DL
Display Job Data Sets ?
Display Line, Page and Record Counts (JES3 only) DE
Display List of Mains Authorized for Job (JES3 only) DM
Display Output Long Form (JES2 only) LL
Display Output Short Form (JES2 only) L
Display Output Status (JES3 only) L
Display Output Status Include Output On the Held Queue (JES3 only) LH
Display Output Status Include SNA/NJE Output (JES3 only) LB
Display Output Status Include TCP/IP Job Output (JES3 only) LT
Display Spool Partition Name (JES3 only) DSP
Hold Job H
Main Device Scheduling Allocate Queue (JES3 only) DMA
Main Device Scheduling Error Queue (JES3 only) DME
Main Device Scheduling Restart Queue (JES3 only) DMR
Main Device Scheduling System Select Queue (JES3 only) DMSS
Main Device Scheduling System Verify Queue (JES3 only) DMSV
Main Device Scheduling Unavailable Volumes (JES3 only) DMU
Release Job A
Restart Job E
Restart Job After Current Step Completes ES
Restart and Hold Job After Current Step Completes (JES2 only) ESH
Run Job J
Spin Job W
Table 4. Actions on the All Jobs Table
Action on the All Jobs Table Action Character on the ST Panel
Browse All Job Data Sets S
Cancel Job C
Cancel Job and Print Available Data Sets (JES3 only) CP
Cancel Job and Produce a Dump CD
Cancel Job and Purge Output P
Cancel Job and Restart Automatically CA
Cancel Job, Restart, and Hold Prior to Execution (JES2 only) EC
Cancel Job, Restart Automatically, and Produce a Dump CDA
Cancel Job, Take a Dump and Keep Job Output (JES3 only) CDP
Cancel Protected Job and Purge Output (JES2 only) PP
Display DDNAMES of All Spool Data Sets that Contain Data (JES3 only) DSD
Display DDNAMES of Data Sets in Spool Hold Status that Contain Data (JES3 only) DSH
Display Information Short Form D
Display Extended Information (JES3 only) DX
Display Information Long Form (JES2 only) DL
Display Job Data Sets ?
Display Line, Page and Record Counts (JES3 only) DE
Display List of Mains Authorized for Job (JES3 only) DM
Display Output Short Form (JES2 only) L
Display Output Long Form (JES2 only) LL
Display Output Status (JES3 only) L
Display Output Status Include Output On the Held Queue (JES3 only) LH
Display Output Status Include SNA/NJE Output (JES3 only) LB
Display Output Status Include TCP/IP Job Output (JES3 only) LT
Display Spool Partition Name (JES3 only) DSP
Hold Job H
Main Device Scheduling Allocate Queue (JES3 only) DMA
Main Device Scheduling Error Queue (JES3 only) DME
Main Device Scheduling Restart Queue (JES3 only) DMR
Main Device Scheduling System Select Queue (JES3 only) DMSS
Main Device Scheduling System Verify Queue (JES3 only) DMSV
Main Device Scheduling Unavailable Volumes (JES3 only) DMU
Release Job A
Restart Job E
Restart Job After Current Step Completes (JES2 only) ES
Restart and Hold Job After Current Step Completes (JES2 only) ESH
Run Job J
Spin Job W
Table 5. Actions on the Input Queue Table
Action on the Input Queue Table Action Character on the I Panel
Browse All Job Data Sets S
Cancel Job C
Cancel Job and Restart Automatically CA
Cancel Job and Print Available Data Sets (JES3 only) CP
Cancel Job and Produce a Dump CD
Cancel Job and Purge Output P
Cancel Job, Restart, and Hold Prior to Execution (JES2 only) EC
Cancel Job, Restart Automatically, and Produce a Dump CDA
Cancel Job, Take a Dump and Keep Job Output (JES3 only) CDP
Cancel Protected Job and Purge Output PP
Display DDNAMES of All Spool Data Sets that Contain Data (JES3 only) DSD
Display DDNAMES of Data Sets in Spool Hold Status that Contain Data (JES3 only) DSH
Display Extended Information (JES3 only) DX
Display Information Short Form D
Display Information Long Form DL
Display Job Data Sets ?
Display Line, Page and Record Counts (JES3 only) DE
Display List of Mains Authorized for Job (JES3 only) DM
Display Output Short Form L
Display Output Long Form LL
Display Output Status Include Output On the Held Queue (JES3 only) LH
Display Output Status Include SNA/NJE Output (JES3 only) LB
Display Output Status Include TCP/IP Job Output (JES3 only) LT
Display Spool Partition Name (JES3 only) DSP
Hold Job H
Main Device Scheduling Allocate Queue (JES3 only) DMA
Main Device Scheduling Error Queue (JES3 only) DME
Main Device Scheduling Restart Queue (JES3 only) DMR
Main Device Scheduling System Select Queue (JES3 only) DMSS
Main Device Scheduling System Verify Queue (JES3 only) DMSV
Main Device Scheduling Unavailable Volumes (JES3 only) DMU
Release Job A
Restart Job E
Restart Job After Current Step Completes (JES2 only) ES
Restart and Hold Job After Current Step Completes (JES2 only) ESH
Run Job J
Spin Job W
Table 6. Actions on the Output Queue Table
Action on the Output Queue Table Action Character on the O Panel
Browse All Job Data Sets S
Display Job Data Sets ?
Display Output Status Short Form (JES2 only) L
Display Output Status Long Form (JES2 only) LL
Hold Output (JES2 only) H
Purge Output (JES2 only) C
Release Output (JES2 only) A
Table 7. Actions on the Held Output Queue Table
Action on the Held Output Queue Table Action Character on the H Panel
Browse All Job Data Sets S
Display Job Data Sets ?
Display Output Status Short Form (JES2 only) L
Display Output Status Long Form (JES2 only) LL
Hold Output (JES2 only) H
Purge Output (JES2 only) PO
Release Output (JES2 only) A
Release Output to Print and Purge (JES2 only) O
Release Output to Print and Keep (JES2 only) OK
Start of change
Table 8. Actions on the Unix Processes Table
Action on the Unix Processes Table Action Character on the PS Panel
Cancel process C
Display process D
Kill process K
Terminate process T
End of change
Table 9. Actions on the Job Data Set Table
Action on the Job Data Set Table Action Character on the JDS Panel
Browse All Data Sets S
Display Information (JES3 only) D
Hold Output H
Purge Output C
Release Output O
Table 10. Actions on the Health Check Table
Action on the Health Check Table Action Character on the CK Panel
Activate A
Browse S
Deactivate H
Delete P
Delete Force PF
Display Diagnostics DD
Display History L
Display Information Short Form D
Display Information Long Form DL
Display Outdated Policies DPO
Display Policies DP
Display Status DS
Refresh E
Remove Categories U
Run R
Table 11. Actions on the Health Check History Table
Action on the Health Check History Table Action Character on the Health Check History Panel
Browse S
Table 12. Actions on the System Table
Action on the System Table Action Character on the SYS Panel
Display IPL information D
Display all address spaces DAA
Display address space list DAL
Display allocated list DALO
Display consoles DC
Display language environment options DCEE
Display dump information DD
Display EMCS DEM
Display GRS information DG
Display IOS information DI
Display IQP information DIQP
Display LLA information DLL
Display system logger information DLO
Display LOGREC information DLR
Display configuration information DM
Display MPF information DMP
Display OMVS options DO
Display product registration DP
Display PCIE dev info DPCD
Display PCIE product info DPCI
Display SMF status DSF
Display SLIP information DSL
Display SMS information DSM
Display system symbols DSY
Display time DT
Display TSO options DTO
Display trace DTR
Display TSO address spaces DTS
Display WLM information DW
Display XCF sysplex information DX
Start of change
Table 13. Actions on the CF Structures Table
Action on the CF Structures Table Action Character on the CFS Panel
Display CF structures D
Display all CF structures DA
End of change
Start of change
Table 14. Actions on the Spool Data Sets Table
Action on the Spool Data Sets Table Action Character on the SP Panel
Display status of spool volumes D
Display spool in long text DL
Display spool jobs J
Purge from spool P
Purge and cancel all spool files PC
Start spooling S
Halt spooling Z
End of change
Table 15. Actions on the APF Table
Action on the APF Table Action Character on the APF Panel
Display D
Display all DA
Table 16. Actions on the PAG Table
Action on the PAG Table Action Character on the PAG Panel
Display page data set D
Display common page data DC
Display page delete information DD
Display local page data sets DL
Display PLPA data sets DP
Display storage class memory DS
Table 17. Actions on the LNK Table
Action on the LNK Table Action Character on the LNK Panel
Display link data set D
Display link names DN
Table 18. Actions on the PARM Table
Action on the PARM Table Action Character on the PARM Panel
Display parm data set D
Display errors in parm data DE
Start of change
Table 19. Actions on the Network Activity Table
Action on the Network Activity Table Action Character on the NA Panel
Display all connection information DA
Display all format long DAL
Display byte info DB
Display byte info format long DBL
Display connection DN
Display connection format long DNL
Display route DR
Display route detail DRD
Display route detail format long DRDL
Display route format long DRL
End of change
Start of change
Table 20. Actions on the Device Activity Table
Action on the Device Activity Table Action Character on the DEV Panel
Display unit information D
Display allocations for the unit DA
Display IPL volume DI
Display server path DSP
Display device server QDASD DSQD
Display device server Qpath DSQP
Display device server SMS DSS
Display vary device online V
Display vary device offline VF
End of change
Start of change
Table 21. Actions on the SMS Storage Groups Table
Action on the SMS Storage Groups Table Action Character on the SMSG Panel
Display SMSG D
Display volumes in storage group DL
Disable storage group from allocating or accessing new data sets VD
Disable storage group from allocating new data sets VDN
Enable a storage group VE
Quiesce a storage group VQ
Quiesce a storage group VQN
Update space statistics for the storage group VS
End of change

Diagnosing problems in z/OSMF

TSO messages: In addition to z/OSMF messages that are displayed in a message window, TSO messages may be issued in response to starting a session or other interactions. To display these messages, click TSO Messages.

Log files in z/OSMF: The directory of the z/OSMF log file is configurable, as described in IBM z/OS Management Facility Configuration Guide.

Determining the level of the SDSF plug-in: From the z/OSMF Welcome panel, click the About link. Find the IBM SDSF plug-in in the list. The associated information contains the SDSF FMID and the service level of the plug-in.

Removing the SDSF task from z/OSMF

To remove the SDSF and SDSF Settings tasks from z/OSMF, use the Import Manager task to import properties file /usr/lpp/sdsf/zosmf/sdsfDelete.properties.