zfsadm configquery


zfsadm configquery queries the current value of zFS configuration options.


zfsadm configquery [-system sysname][-adm_threads][-aggrfull][-aggrgrow]
                   [-all] [-change_aggrversion_on_mount][-client_cache_size][-client_reply_storage]
                   [-cmd_trace] [-converttov5] [-convert_auditfid] 
                   [-debug_dsn] [-edc_buffer_pool] [-file_threads] [-format_aggrversion]  
                   [-format_compression] [-format_encryption] [-format_perms]
                   [-fsfull] [-group] [-honor_syslist] [-log_cache_size]   
                   [-meta_cache_size] [-metaback_cache_size] [-modify_cmd_threads]
                   [-msg_input_dsn] [-msg_output_dsn] [-nbs][-romount_recovery] [-long_cmd_threads] 
                   [-smf_recording] [-sync_interval] [-syslevel] [-sysplex_filesys_sharemode] 
                   [-sysplex_state] [-token_cache_size] [-trace_dsn] [-trace_table_size] 
                   [-tran_cache_size] [-user_cache_size] [-vnode_cache_limit] [-vnode_cache_size]
                   [-trace file_name][-level][-help]


Displays the number of threads that are defined to handle pfsctl or mount requests.
Displays the threshold and increment for reporting aggregate full error messages to the operator.
Displays whether an aggregate should be dynamically extended when it runs out of physical space.
Displays the full set of configuration options.
Displays whether a version 1.4 aggregate should be changed to a version 1.5 aggregate when it is mounted.
Displays the size, in bytes, of the client cache. This option is only meaningful when zFS is running sysplex-aware. If you use zfsadm config to set -client_cache_size to a value, the value is displayed but not used.
Displays the number of bytes allocated for sysplex client reply storage. This option is only meaningful when zFS is running sysplex-aware.
Displays whether command tracing is active.
Displays whether an aggregate should be assigned the converttov5 attribute on mount or remount. This attribute controls whether v4 directories will be converted to extended (v5) directories as they are accessed.
Displays whether the zFS auditfid is automatically changed to the unique format on mount (attach). If on is specified or defaulted and the mount (attach) is read/write, the mount (attach) changes the standard auditfid format to the unique auditfid format. If off is specified or the mount (attach) is read-only, the auditfid is unaffected.
Displays the name of the debug input parameters data set.
Displays how much real storage is permanently fixed by zFS for encryption and compression I/O.
Displays the current number of file threads. This option is only meaningful when zFS is running sysplex-aware.
Displays whether an aggregate formatting default should be to format as a version 1.4 or 1.5 aggregate.
Displays whether a newly created zFS aggregate will be formatted with compression.
Displays whether a newly created zFS aggregate will be formatted with encryption.
Displays the permissions that are used for the root directory of a file system during a format when the -perms format option is not specified.
Displays the threshold and increment for reporting file system full error messages to the operator.
Displays the XCF group that is used by zFS for communication between sysplex members.
Prints the online help for this command. All other valid options that are specified with this option are ignored.
Displays the setting of the honor_syslist option that specifies whether to use the z/OS UNIX automove options when determining the new zFS owner. The -honor_syslist option is no longer supported. The option is ignored when moving zFS ownership. For more information about system lists, see Dynamic movement of the zFS owner.
Prints the level of the zfsadm command. This option is useful when you are diagnosing a problem. Except for -help, all other valid options that are specified with -level are ignored.
Displays the size, in bytes, of the cache that is used to contain buffers for log file pages.
Displays the number of foreground and background threads that are defined to handle long-running administrative commands.
Displays the size, in bytes, of the cache that is used to contain metadata.
Displays the size of the backing cache for metadata.
Displays the number of threads that are defined to handle zFS modify commands.
Displays the name of the data set that contains translated zFS messages.
Displays the name of a data set that contains any zFS initialization output messages that come from the zFS PFS.
Controls the global new block security. zFS always runs with new block security on. If you use zfsadm config to set -nbs to off, it is displayed as off, but the value is not used.
Displays whether read-only mount recovery is on or off. When romount_recovery=on, zFS temporarily mounts the aggregate read/write to allow log recovery to run, and then zFS unmounts and mounts the aggregate again in read-only format.
Displays whether data is to be collected and recorded by System Management Facilities (SMF).
Displays the number of seconds in the interval that zFS flushes data in the buffers to disk.
Displays the zFS kernel (the PFS) information, including:
  • The version and release of z/OS®
  • The service level and FMID of zFS
  • The date and time the PFS was built
  • Whether the PFS is running sysplex-aware on a file system basis (referred to as filesys), or sysplex-aware on a system basis (referred to as file), or not sysplex-aware (referred to as admin-only), and the zFS XCF protocol level when running in a shared file system environment. (For information about the XCF protocol level, see Determining the XCF protocol interface level.) When filesys is indicated, the default mount PARM (NORWSHARE or RWSHARE) is also displayed.
This is the same information that is displayed by the operator command MODIFY ZFS,QUERY,LEVEL. In contrast, zfsadm configquery -level shows the level information for the zfsadm command itself.
Displays the current default for the mount PARM (RWSHARE or NORWSHARE). It is only meaningful on systems that are running zFS sysplex=filesys.
Displays the sysplex state of zFS.
zFS is running in a sysplex-aware environment with sysplex=filesys.
-system sysname
Specifies the name of the system the report request is sent to retrieve the requested data.
Displays the current token_cache_size maximum. The current usage is displayed through the MODIFY ZFS,QUERY,STKM command. This option is only meaningful when zFS is running sysplex-aware.
Displays the name of the data set that contains the output of any operator MODIFY ZFS, TRACE,PRINT commands or the trace output if zFS abends.
Displays the size, in bytes, of the internal trace table.
Displays the number of transactions in the transaction cache. If you use zfsadm config to set -tran_cache_size to a value, the value is displayed but not used.
-trace file_name
Specifies the name of the file that will have the trace records written into it. The trace file can be a z/OS UNIX file, an existing MVS sequential data set, or a member of either an existing partitioned data set (PDS) or partitioned data set extended (PDSE). Use this option only at the direction of IBM Support.

For information about preallocation instructions for debugging, see Step 5 (Optional) Preallocate data sets for debugging in zFS installation and configuration steps.

Because MVS data set names must be fully qualified, z/OS UNIX has special rules for specifying MVS data set names in the shell environment. For more information, see Specifying MVS data set names in the shell environment in z/OS UNIX System Services Command Reference.

Displays the size, in bytes, of the cache that is used to contain file data.
Displays the number of vnodes that will be cached by zFS.

Usage notes

  1. The zfsadm configquery command displays the current value of zFS configuration options. The value is retrieved from zFS address space memory rather than from the IOEFSPRM file. You can specify that the configuration option query request should be sent to another system by using the -system option.
  2. Ignore the following values when zFS is running non-sysplex aware. No storage is obtained even though a value might be reported.
    • - client_cache_size
    • - client_reply_storage
    • - file_threads
    • - token_cache_size

Privilege required

The issuer does not need special authorization.


  1. The following command displays the current value of the user_cache_size option:
    zfsadm configquery -user_cache_size
    IOEZ00317I The value for config option -user_cache_size is 64M.
  2. The following command displays all the zFS configuration options from each member:
    for sys in $(zfsadm lssys | grep -v IOEZ00361I); \
    do; echo; echo $sys; zfsadm configquery -all -system $sys; done

Related information

  • zfsadm config