Writing a logon pre-prompt exit (IKJEFLD/IKJEFLD1)

Two exits enable your installation to modify the way logon operations are performed before the initial logon prompt:
  • Logon pre-prompt exit IKJEFLD
  • Authorized logon pre-prompt exit IKJEFLD1.
Exit IKJEFLD1 offers several advantages over IKJEFLD. IKJEFLD1 receives control in an authorized state and receives the standard TSO/E exit parameter list. With IKJEFLD1, you can perform the same functions as IKJEFLD, and:
  • Specify the first TSO/E user command to be issued in the session.
  • Specify job and SYSOUT classes.
  • Specify that RACF® processing is to be bypassed.
  • Specify the relative block address (RBA) of the user's mail directory entry in the broadcast data set.
  • Specify a 4-byte user word (value or address) of information to be used during the TSO/E session or at logoff.
  • Specify a default security label (SECLABEL) to be used for the session. SECLABEL is recognized only when RACF is installed and security label checking has been activated. For information about setting up security labels, see z/OS Security Server RACF Security Administrator's Guide.
  • Set up the console profile for the user. For information about the console profile, see Customizing the CONSOLE and CONSPROF commands.
  • Specify primary and secondary languages to be used for displaying translated information. For information about other tasks you need to perform to provide translated information, see Customizing TSO/E for different languages.
IKJEFLD1 resides in its own load module, whereas IKJEFLD has to be link-edited with load module IKJEFLA in SYS1.LPALIB.

If both exits are installed, IKJEFLD1 receives control instead of IKJEFLD. If IKJEFLD1 is not installed but IKJEFLD is installed, logon processing passes control to IKJEFLD. The following is a functional description of logon processing and common elements in the logon pre-prompt exits. Exit-specific information follows the functional description.