Writing a logon post-display exit (IKJEFLN2)

You can use the post-display exit, IKJEFLN2, to further customize the logon process. This exit can receive control after the TSO/E user presses the Enter key on the logon panel display.

The logon processor invokes this exit if:
  • The logon panel load modules are present in the LPA
  • Exit IKJEFLD/IKJEFLD1 does not set the Don't Prompt control bit.
Note: If IKJEFLN1 sets the Don't Prompt bit, IKJEFLN2 will not be invoked unless IKJEFLN1 also sets the Invoke IKJEFLN2 bit.

The logon processor can invoke this exit several times during logon processing. If a re-prompt occurs for any data that is entered by the user, the logon processor invokes this exit.

You can write a post-display exit to perform the following tasks:
  • Update information contained on the logon panel
  • Process any installation-defined fields
  • Validate user-entered data
  • Indicate that the LOGON command display a particular help panel
  • Re-prompt for data