Option 1

Figure 1 shows the panel displayed when Option 1 is selected.
Figure 1. Option 1 - Major Name List
                      ENQ/DEQ Monitor - Major Name List      ROW 1 TO 10 OF 65

Enter S to select a Major Name for details     .
      L major on command line to locate a Major.   Elapsed seconds:    6640

   Sel.   ----------   -------  ----   ----    -------  -average-   -Reserved-
   Field  Major Name   Scope    Exit   RNL     Counter     msec       seconds
   _      SYSZVVDS     SYSS            CONV       3554       23           86
   _      SYSZVVDS     SYS                        3152
   _      SYSZSDSF     SYSS            INCL         32
   _      SYSZRAC2     SYS                        3665
   _      SYSZRACF     RES             EXCL        338       39           13
   _      SYSZPSWD     SYS                          15
   _      SYSZMCS      SYS                        1053
   _      SYSZLOGR     SYS      YES                 37
   _      SYSZLLA1     SYS                         117
   _      SYSZJES2     SYS                         386
   _      SYSZJES2     RES                        1125     1101         1251
   _      SYSZISTH     SYS                          16
   _      QNAME        SYS                          17

Command ===> __________________________________________________________________
F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=Print     F5=Sort_maj  F6=Sort_scp
F7=Backward  F8=Forward   F9=Swap     F10=Sort_cnt F11=Sort_avg F12=Sort_res

Option 1 shows the ENQ activities listed by major names, RNL action and the number of global and local ENQs if global resource serialization is active.

Press PF1 to display a help panel.

Press PF4 to print the entire major name list.

Press PF5, PF6, PF10, PF11, PF12 to sort on major name, scope, count, average, and reserved seconds in that order.

Command L major_name locates the major name and position if it exists in the collected data.

Select a major name on the displayed row to get information about the minor names associated with that major name.

  • Major name column displays the major name of the resource.
  • Scope column displays the resource scope. An asterisk (*) to the left of the resource scope indicates a change of resource scope after scanning the RNLs.
    For example,
    • *SYSS on the scope column with INCL on the RNL column means the resource scope was changed from SYSTEM to SYSTEMS.
    • *SYS on the scope column with EXCL on the RNL column means the resource was changed from SYSTEMS to SYSTEM.
    • SYSS on the scope column with CONV on the RNL column means the resource scope was changed from a RESERVE macro to an ENQ with a scope of SYSTEMS. The RESERVE on the DASD will be suppressed.
    • RES on the scope column with EXCL on the RNL column means the resource scope was changed from SYSTEMS to SYSTEM. The RESERVE on the DASD will not be suppressed.
  • Exit column indicates whether the request was altered by one of the ENQ/DEQ installation exit routines.
  • RNL column displays the action taken by RNL processing.
    • Blank in the column means no change in the resource scope after scanning the RNLs.
    • CONV means the resource name matched an entry in the RESERVE Conversion List.
    • INCL means the resource name matched an entry in the SYSTEMS Inclusion List.
    • EXCL means the resource name matched an entry in the SYSTEM Exclusion List.
    • NO means RNL=NO keyword was specified with the resource name.
  • Counter column displays the total number of requests on this major name.

Figure 2 shows the panel displayed when you select a specific major.

Figure 2. Selected Row - Minor Name List
                     ENQ/DEQ Monitor - Minor Name List       ROW 1 TO 9 OF 17

Minor Name list for:               Major Name  : QNAME
                                   RNL . . . . :
                                   Scope . . . : SYSTEM

Enter S to select a Minor Name for Jobnames    .
      L min.  on command line to locate a Minor.

  Sel.   ----------------------------------------------------  --------
  Field  Minor Name:                                           Counter:
  _      01292787 95.160 04:05:28                                     1
  _      01120841 95.160 04:33:16                                     1
  _      01075989 95.160 04:31:58                                     1
  _      01056722 95.160 01:24:29                                     1
  _      00954460 95.160 01:58:21                                     1
  _      00893109 95.159 22:39:37                                     1
  _      00553288 95.160 06:06:09                                     1
  _      00526344 95.160 03:25:03                                     1
  _      00510494 95.160 05:37:46                                     1

Command ===> __________________________________________________________________
F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=Print     F5=Sort_min  F6=Sort_cnt
F7=Backward  F8=Forward   F9=Swap     F10=Sort_tme

Press PF1 to display a help panel.

Press PF4 to print the entire minor name list.

Press PF5, PF6 to sort on minor name, counter.

Select a minor name on a displayed row to get information about jobnames, userids and program names involved in the ENQ or RESERVE processing for that resource.

Command L minor_name will locate the minor name if it exists in the collected data.

Press PF10 to sort minor names by timestamp.

Selecting a specific minor name results in a display of the job and program names with indication of exclusive or shared use.

Press PF5 and PF6 to sort on jobname, program name. Figure 3 is an example of the panel the monitor displays when you select a specific minor name.

Figure 3. Selected Row - Jobname List
                        ENQ/DEQ Monitor - Jobname List    ROW 1 TO 1 OF 1

Jobname list for Major Name  : QNAME
                 Minor Name  : 01292787 95.160 04:05:28
                 Minor Length: 24
 --------  --------   ----------       -------- ---       ----------
 Job_name  User_ID    Enqs x Job       Pgm_name E/S       Enqs x PGM
 MONITOR   STC                 1       SVC-255   E                 1
******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA *************************

Command ===> __________________________________________________________
F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit    F4=Print   F5=S_enq_j   F6=S_enq_p
F7=Backward  F8=Forward   F9=Swap

Only 52 bytes of minor names will be displayed.

Press PF1 to display a help panel.

Press PF4 to print the entire jobname list.