Record Type 71 (47) — RMF Paging Activity

Record type 71 is written for each measurement interval and when the session is terminated. Record type 71 contains information about the demands made on the system paging facilities and the utilization of central storage and external page storage during the reporting interval.

As with all the SMF records RMF produces, it contains a header section followed by the RMF product section. These are followed by:
Paging data section
Includes information on central storage pages for SQA, SPA, CSA, LSQA and REGIONS+SWA.

Macro to symbolically address record type 71

The SMF record mapping macro for all records produced by RMF is ERBSMFR. Its format is ERBSMFR (n1,n2,...) where n1,n2,... are the SMF record types you want to map. Note that the parentheses are required only when two or more record types are specified. The mapping macro resides in SYS1.MACLIB.