Use the SETXCF COUPLE command to:
  • Switch a current alternate couple data set to a primary couple data set. The switch can be for either sysplex couple data sets or other types of couple data sets.
  • Specify a primary non-sysplex couple data set, such as CFRM, SFM, WLM.
  • Specify an alternate couple data set.
  • Change options specified in the COUPLExx parmlib member.
For more information about the SETXCF COUPLE parameters see z/OS MVS Setting Up a Sysplex and z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference.
SETXCF {COUPLE|CPL},{PSWITCH                                                }
                    {ACOUPLE=(alternatedsname[,alternatevolume])            }
                    {INTERVAL=timeinterval                                  }
                    {OPNOTIFY=timeinterval                                  }
                    {CLEANUP=timeinterval                                   }
                    {MAXMSG=defaultmaxmsgbuffers                            }
                    {RETRY=defaultretrylimit                                }
                    {CLASSLEN=defaultclasslength                            }
                    {TYPE=(name[,name]...),                                 }
                              {PCOUPLE=(primarydsname[,primaryvolume])    }    
                              {PSWITCH                                    }


The parameters are:

Switches the current alternate sysplex couple data set to become the primary sysplex couple data set. The command is complete when systems in the sysplex acknowledge the switch. This command removes the current primary sysplex couple data set from service.
Note: If the new primary sysplex couple data set has been formatted to support greater than eight systems in the sysplex, the following occurs:
  • If the current RMAX value is less than 99, the system automatically increases the RMAX value to 99. The system issues message IEA403I to indicate this change. You cannot lower the value of RMAX. A minimum RMAX value of 99 is enforced for performance reasons.
Specifies the data set to use as an alternate sysplex couple data set. This data set must be defined and formatted with the XCF format utility and for each parameter specified in the utility, the parameter values must be equal to or greater than the parameter values that were used to format the current primary couple data set. See z/OS MVS Setting Up a Sysplex for additional information about planning for couple data sets.

Specify the volume only when the data set is not cataloged. You need to use parentheses only when you specify the volume. Once the command completes, any previous alternate sysplex couple data set is removed from service. The specified alternate sysplex couple data set must be accessible and usable from all systems in the sysplex.

The data set named alternatedsname can have one or more name segments, separated by periods, and cannot exceed a total length of 44 characters. Each name segment is one to eight alphanumeric, hyphen (-), and national ($,#,@) characters, but must begin with an alphabetic or national character.

The volume alternatevolume must be specified as one to six alphanumeric or national characters, and may begin with any of these characters.

Specifies the length of the failure detection interval for the system. timeinterval is specified in seconds and ranges from 3 to 86400 (24 hours).

IBM suggests that the default value (the derived spin failure detection interval) be used. If you specify the INTERVAL value explicitly, it should be no more than twice the derived spin failure detection interval based on the following considerations: the user-specified INTERVAL must be greater or equal to the derived spin failure detection interval so that the system can have a chance to recover before XCF initiates system failure processing; however, if the value is too large, it might allow sympathy sickness to spread throughout the sysplex.

The default INTERVAL value is derived from the excessive spin processing parameters in EXSPATxx. For more information about how the default INTERVAL value is computed, see z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference.

Specifies in seconds how long a system must appear to be inoperative before XCF notifies the operator. Either an absolute value (in the form of xxx) or a relative value (in the form of +xxx) is accepted. The absolute value ranges from 3 to 86400 (24 hours); the relative value ranges from 0 to 86400.
  • When an absolute value is specified, the OPNOTIFY value must be greater than or equal to the INTERVAL value if INTERVAL is specified. The effective OPNOTIFY value used by the system is the greater one of the indicated OPNOTIFY value and the effective failure detection interval.
  • When a relative value is specified, the effective OPNOTIFY value used by the system is the sum of the effective failure detection interval plus the relative OPNOTIFY value.
  • When this parameter is omitted, the default value is a relative value of +3. Thus the effective OPNOTIFY value used by the system equals three plus the effective failure detection interval.
Specifies the time interval that XCF waits for multisystem applications to complete cleanup functions. The interval begins after XCF sends notification to group members that the system on which they are running is being removed from the sysplex. timeinterval is specified in seconds and ranges from 0 to 86400 (24 hours).
Specifies the default value used if the MAXMSG keyword is not specified on the SETXCF START command. The MAXMSG value must be a number from 1 to 999999. See z/OS MVS Setting Up a Sysplex for further information about determining message buffer space.
Specifies the default value used if the RETRY keyword is not specified on the SETXCF START command. It is the number of failures that XCF tolerates before it marks a path as inoperative. Specify a value between 3 and 255.
Specifies the default message length for the transport classes, used if the CLASSLEN keyword is not specified on the SETXCF START command. XCF uses this length to optimize its processing for messages sent in a transport class. Specify a value between 0 and 62464.
Specifies the type of data stored in this couple data set.
The supported names include:
  • SYSPLEX for sysplex (XCF) types
  • ARM for automatic restart management
  • CFRM for coupling facility resource management
  • LOGR for system logger
  • SFM for sysplex failure management
  • WLM for workload management
  • BPXMCDS for z/OS UNIX System Services

Other TYPEs might exist for other components. Please check the component documentation for information on what to specify for TYPE in this and other XCF operator commands and the XCF COUPLExx parmlib member.

The name or names specified must correspond to the name or names used when the couple data set was formatted with the couple data set format utility, IXCL1DSU. See z/OS MVS Setting Up a Sysplex for a description of the couple data set format utility.

The following keywords all refer to the couple data sets that support the service specified by the TYPE keyword.

Specifies the data set to use as the primary couple data set for the type of service specified by TYPE=. Note that you cannot specify PCOUPLE to identify the sysplex couple data set (which is initially specified in the COUPLExx parmlib member).

The data set must be defined and formatted with the XCF format utility.

If the service is already operational in the sysplex, the system ignores the data set specified by PCOUPLE. Instead, the system attempts to make the service available to the system by using the couple data set that is currently supporting the service on other systems in the sysplex.

If the service is not already operational in the sysplex, the system attempts to use the specified data set as the primary couple data set for the service specified.

When TYPE=(CFRM) is specified and the CFRM couple data set is added to the sysplex, it MUST NOT BE REMOVED OR DELETED. If the CFRM couple data set is removed from the sysplex, the sysplex system will enter a non-restartable WAIT STATE. This is true even if no CFRM policies were activated.

Specifies the data set to use as the alternate couple data set for the type of service specified by TYPE=. The data set must already be allocated on the volume specified. The data set must be defined and formatted with the XCF format utility.

For each parameter specified in the format utility, the parameter values must be equal to or greater than the parameter values that were used to format the current primary couple data set. See "Planning the Couple Data Sets" in z/OS MVS Setting Up a Sysplex for additional information.

When you add a new alternate couple data set to the sysplex, the system copies the policies on the primary couple data set to that new alternate couple data set. The policies it copies from the primary couple data set replace any policies that existed on the alternate couple data set.

You do not need to specify the alternatevolume. If the volume is not specified, the data set must be cataloged. If the volume is specified, the system does not use the catalog to locate the data set.

If the system can use the specified couple data set for the service specified, then the data set becomes the alternate couple data set for that service. The system deallocates the data set that the system had been using as the alternate couple data set for the service at the time the SETXCF command was issued if the data set is no longer in use for any service in the sysplex.

Specifies that the current alternate couple data set for the type of service defined is to become the primary couple data set. The system stops using the current primary couple data set and deallocates it if it is no longer in use by any service in the sysplex.
Using the TYPE Keyword: Remember the following when using the TYPE keyword:
  • If you use PSWITCH with the TYPE keyword, the couple data set switched is the one containing the type of data specified (ARM, BPXMCDS, CFRM, LOGR, SFM or WLM).

    If you use PSWITCH without the TYPE keyword, the sysplex couple data set is switched.

  • If you use ACOUPLE with the TYPE keyword, the alternate couple data set is the one containing the type of data specified (ARM, BPXMCDS, CFRM, LOGR, SFM or WLM). The specified alternate couple data set must be accessible and usable from all systems in the sysplex that are using the policy for that service.

    If you use ACOUPLE without the TYPE keyword, the alternate couple data set is the sysplex couple data set and, as such, must be accessible and usable from all systems in the sysplex.