ROUTE command

Use the ROUTE command to direct a command to one or more systems in a sysplex for processing. You can direct a command to:
  • All systems in the sysplex
  • A subset of the systems in the sysplex
  • One system in the sysplex.

You can enter this command from any MCS, HMCS, SMCS or extended MCS console with INFO authority.

You can enter most system commands using the ROUTE command, including MVS™, JES2, JES3, and other commands.

For most system commands routed to multiple systems, the system combines the command responses into an aggregated response. The combined response sorts the command responses by system name. For more information, see How MVS displays aggregated response from ROUTE.

You cannot send more than one command on a single invocation of the ROUTE command. If you need to route multiple commands in strict sequential order, you should route one command, wait for successful response from all systems to which you routed the command, and then route the next command.