This parameter specifies whether all libraries in the LNKLST concatenation are to be treated as APF-authorized when accessed as part of the concatenation, or whether only those libraries that are named in the APF table are to be treated as APF-authorized.
Value range: Not applicable
Default: LNKLST, meaning that all libraries in the LNKLST concatenation are to be treated as APF-authorized when accessed as part of the concatenation. If the default for the LNKAUTH system parameter is taken, or is specified in IEASYSxx or by the operator, libraries in the LNKLST concatenation are APF-authorized when accessed as part of the LNKLST concatenation.

If a LNKLST library is not listed in the APF table, referencing the library through a JOBLIB or STEPLIB DD statement causes the library to be considered unauthorized for the duration of the job or step.

Associated parmlib member: None