Modifying LLA

You can use the MODIFY LLA command to change LLA dynamically, in either of the following ways:
  • MODIFY LLA,REFRESH. Rebuilds LLA's directory for the entire set of libraries managed by LLA. This action is often called a complete refresh of LLA.
  • MODIFY LLA,UPDATE=xx. Rebuilds LLA's directory only for specified libraries or modules. xx identifies the CSVLLAxx member that contains the names of the libraries for which directory information is to be refreshed. This action is often called a selective refresh of LLA. (For details, see Identifying members for selective refreshes.)

When an LLA-managed library is updated, the version of a module that is located by a directory entry saved in LLA will differ from the version located by the current directory entry on DASD for that module. If you update a load module in a library that LLA manages, it is a good idea to follow the update by issuing the appropriate form of the MODIFY LLA command to refresh LLA's cache with the latest version of the directory information from DASD. Otherwise, the system will continue to use an older version of a load module.

  1. Applications can use the LLACOPY macro to refresh LLA's directory information. For information about the LLACOPY macro, see z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide.
  2. You can specify up to 255 concurrent LLA modify commands before the system reports that LLA is busy.