Secure Socket Layer overview

SSL provides data privacy and integrity as well as server and client authentication based upon a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) method. PKI requires that the server organization generate a public key/private key pair that can be used during negotiations. PKI requires that data encrypted with the public key be decrypted by only the private key and that data encrypted with the private key be decrypted by only the public key. This is considered an asymmetric encryption method because different keys are used at each end of the secure connection. The Server sends its public key to the client when the client requests a connection.

The client and server encrypt SSL parameter negotiations using the PKI method of encryption. One of the most important items negotiated is the encryption algorithm to be used during data transmission. The algorithm chosen will be one that uses the same key at each end of the secure connection. This is known as a symmetric encryption method and is about 1000 times faster than the asymmetric PKI method used during SSL parameter negotiation. The encryption key used by the symmetric encryption method is created and exchanged during SSL negotiation protected by the PKI encryption method.

Some client-server connections support negotiations to determine if the client wants or supports SSL prior to beginning the SSL handshake. Most servers and clients can be configured to immediately start the SSL handshake process or to negotiate whether or not to perform the SSL handshake. See the security information for the appropriate server or client for information on whether negotiated TLS/SSL is supported and how it is implemented.

The SSL protocol begins with the handshake. During the handshake:
  • Server authentication is done by the client.
  • Optional client authentication is done by the server.
  • An encryption algorithm and single encryption key are chosen to encrypt and decrypt session data between the client and server.