TCP/IP profile record UDP configuration section

This section provides TCP/IP profile record UDP configuration section. There is only one of these sections in the record.

Table 1 shows the TCP/IP profile record UDP configuration section.
Table 1. TCP/IP profile record UDP configuration section
Offset Name Length Format Description
0(X'00') NMTP_UDCFEye 4 EBCDIC UDCF eyecatcher
4(X'04') NMTP_UDCFFlags 1 Binary Flags:
X'80', NMTP_UDCFRestrictLowPorts:
If set, access to UDP port numbers 1-1023 is restricted.
X'40', NMTP_UDCFChkSum:
If set, the UDP layer performs checksum processing.
X'20', NMTP_UDCFQueueLimit:
If set, UDP limits queued incoming datagrams to 2000 per socket.
5(X'05') 3 Binary Reserved
8(X'08') NMTP_UDCFRcvBufSize 2 Binary The default UDP receive buffer size, in bytes, for applications that do not set a size using the Setsockopt socket function call.
10(X'0A') NMTP_UDCFSendBufSize 2 Binary The default UDP send buffer size, in bytes, for applications that do not set a size using the Setsockopt socket function call.
12(X'0C') NMTP_UDCFEphemPortLow 2 Binary The beginning ephemeral port number.
14(X'0E') NMTP_UDCFEphemPortHigh 2 Binary The ending ephemeral port number.