TCP/IP profile record Routing section

This section provides configured routing information from the BEGINROUTES statement block. There can be multiple sections in the record, one per ROUTE substatement.

Table 1 shows the TCP/IP profile record routing section.
Table 1. TCP/IP profile record routing section
Offset Name Length Format Description
0(X'0') NMTP_ROUTEEye 4 EBCDIC ROUT eyecatcher
4(X'4') NMTP_ROUTFlags 2 Binary Flags:
X'8000', NMTP_ROUTIPv6:
IPv6 indicator. If set, this is an IPv6 route.
X'4000', NMTP_ROUTDefault:
If set, this is a default route so there is no destination IP address.
X'2000', NMTP_ROUTNextHop:
If set, a next hop address was specified.
X'1000', NMTP_ROUTDelayAcks:
If set, DELAYACKS was specified.
X'0800', NMTP_ROUTReplaceable:
If set, REPLACEABLE was specified.
X'0400', NMTP_ROUTReplaced:
If set, this is a replaceable static route which has been replaced by a dynamic route. This route is not currently being used by the TCP/IP stack.
6(X'6') NMTP_ROUTMtu 2 Binary MTU size
8(X'8') NMTP_ROUTDestPfxLen 1 Binary Destination prefix length for both IPv4 or IPv6 destination addresses. This value is set to the maximum IPv4 (32) or IPv6(128) value in the following cases:
  • If the HOST parameter was specified as the IPv4 address mask or IPv6 prefix length.
  • A prefix length was not specified.
9(X'9') 3 Binary Reserved
12(X'C') NMTP_ROUTIfIndex 4 Binary Interface index of interface over which route is defined.
16(X'10') NMTP_ROUTMaxRetranTime 4 Binary Maximum retransmission time in milliseconds.
20(X'14') NMTP_ROUTMinRetranTime 4 Binary Minimum retransmission time in milliseconds.
24(X'18') NMTP_ROUTRoundTripGain 2 Binary Round trip gain percentage in thousandths of seconds.
26(X'1A') NMTP_ROUTVarGain 2 Binary Variance gain percentage in thousandths of seconds.
28(X'1C') NMTP_ROUTVarMultiplier 4 Binary Variance multiplier value in thousandths if seconds.
32(X'20') NMTP_ROUTIntfName 16 EBCDIC Name of interface over which route is defined, padded with trailing blanks.
48(X'30') NMTP_ROUTDestAddr4 4 Binary One of the following values:
  • If the NMTP_ROUTIPv6 flag is not set, this field contains the IPv4 destination IP address.
  • If the NMTP_ROUTIPv6 flag is set, this field contains the IPv6 destination IP address.
48(X'30') NMTP_ROUTDestAddr6 16 Binary One of the following values:
  • If the NMTP_ROUTIPv6 flag is not set, this field contains the IPv4 destination IP address.
  • If the NMTP_ROUTIPv6 flag is set, this field contains the IPv6 destination IP address.
64(X'40') NMTP_ROUTNextHopAddr4 4 Binary Next hop IP address. This field is only valid if flag NMTP_ROUTNextHop is set. The value is one of the following:
  • If the NMTP_ROUTIPv6 flag is not set, this field contains the IPv4 next hop IP address.
  • If the NMTP_ROUTIPv6 flag is set, this field contains the IPv6 next hop IP address.
64(X'40') NMTP_ROUTNextHopAddr6 16 Binary Next hop IP address. This field is only valid if flag NMTP_ROUTNextHop is set. The value is one of the following:
  • If the NMTP_ROUTIPv6 flag is not set, this field contains the IPv4 next hop IP address.
  • If the NMTP_ROUTIPv6 flag is set, this field contains the IPv6 next hop IP address.