TCP/IP profile record Port section

This section provides information from the PORT and PORTRANGE profile statements, regarding reserved ports and access to unreserved ports. There can be multiple sections in the record, one per PORT or PORTRANGE profile statement.

Table 1 shows the TCP/IP profile record port section.
Table 1. TCP/IP profile record port section
Offset Name Length Format Description
0(X'0') NMTP_PORTEye 4 EBCDIC PORT eyecatcher
4(X'4') NMTP_PORTFlags 1 Binary Flags:
NMTP_PORTIPv6: If set, the BIND parameter was specified with an IPv6 IP address.
NMTP_PORTRange: If set, this entry represents a range of reserved ports.
NMTP_PORTUnrsv: If set, this entry applies to unreserved ports. For unreserved port entries:
  • Field NMTP_PORTBegNum is zero
  • Flag field NMTP_PORTUnrsvOptions provides settings specific to unreserved ports.
NMTP_PORTTCP: If set, this entry applies to TCP applications. If this flag is not set, the entry applies to UDP applications.
5(X'5') NMTP_PORTUseType 1 Binary Type of use for the port or ports:
None of the ports can be used by any user for the protocol (TCP or UDP) specified on this entry. This type applies only to reserved port entries.
The ports can be used only by the FTP server, when the server is configured to use PASSIVEDATAPORTS. This type applies only to reserved port entries which were reserved as a range (flag NMTP_PORTRange is set).
The specified or unreserved port(s) can be used only based on an MVS™ job name value. If this use type value is set, then field NMTP_PORTJobName contains the job name value.
6(X'6') NMTP_PORTRsvOptions 2 Binary If this is a reserved port entry and field NMTP_PORTUseType is set to NMTP_PORTUTJobname, this field contains the options for reserved ports.
NMTP_PORTRAutolog: If set, autolog monitoring is in effect for this port or range of ports. If not set, autolog monitoring is not in effect for this port.
NMTP_PORTRDelayAcks: If set, an acknowledgment is delayed when a packet is received for this port, or range of ports, with the PUSH bit on in the TCP header. If not set, the acknowledgment is returned immediately.
NMTP_PORTRSharePort: If set, TCP connections can be distributed to multiple listeners, listening on the same combination of port and interface.
NMTP_PORTRSharePortWlm: If set, TCP connections can be distributed to multiple listeners, listening on the same combination of port and interface, using WLM server-specific recommendations.
NMTP_PORTRBind: If set, the BIND parameter was specified for the port entry, and fields NMTP_PORTBindAddr4 or NMTP_PORTBindAddr6 contain the specified IP address.
NMTP_PORTRSaf: If set, a SAF resource name was specified for the port entry, and field NMTP_PORTSafName contains the name.
NMTP_PORTRNOSMC: If set, NOSMC was specified for the port entry.
NMTP_PORTRSMC: If set, SMC was specified for the port entry.
8(X'8') NMTP_PORTBegNum 2 Binary Contains one of the following values:
  • The reserved port number, if this is a reserved port entry and flag NMTP_PORTRange is not set.
  • The beginning reserved port number in the range, if this is a reserved port entry and flag NMTP_PORTRange is set.
  • Zeros, if this is an unreserved port entry (flag NMTP_PORTUnrsv is set).
10(X'A') NMTP_PORTEndNum 2 Binary If flag NMTP_PORTUnrsv is not set, this field contains one of the following values:
  • If flag NMTP_PORTRange is not set, this field is set to zero.
  • If flag NMTP_PORTRange is set, this field contains the ending reserved port number in the range.
12(X'C') NMTP_PORTUnrsvOptions 1 Binary Options for unreserved ports. These flags are set only for unreserved port entries (flag NMTP_PORTUnrsv is set in field NMTP_PORTFlags):
NMTP_PORTUDeny: If set, access to unreserved ports is denied for the protocol (TCP or UDP) specified on this entry.
NMTP_PORTUSaf: If set, a SAF resource name was specified for the port entry, and field NMTP_PORTSafName contains the name.
NMTP_PORTUWhenListen: If set, access to the port is checked when a TCP server application issues a Listen socket function call involving a user-specified unreserved port.
NMTP_PORTUWhenBind: If set, access to the port is checked when an application issues a Bind socket function call involving a user-specified unreserved port.
3 Binary Reserved
16(X'10') NMTP_PORTJobName 8 EBCDIC If the NMTP_PORTUseType value is NMTP_PORTUTJobname, this field contains the MVS job name value associated with the port entry, padded with trailing blanks.
24(X'18') NMTP_PORTSafName 8 EBCDIC If flags NMTP_PORTRSaf or NMTP_PORTUSaf are set, this field contains the SAF resource name, padded with trailing blanks.
32(X'20') NMTP_PORTBindAddr4 4 Binary If flag NMTP_PORTRBind is set in the NMTP_PORTRsvOptions field, this field contains one of the following values:
  • If the NMTP_PORTIPv6 flag bit is not set, this field contains the IPv4 IP address specified on the BIND parameter.
  • If the NMTP_PORTIPv6 flag bit is set, this field contains the IPv6 IP address specified on the BIND parameter.
32(X'20') NMTP_PORTBindAddr6 16 Binary