Real-time NMI: Common record header

All data sent over the AF_UNIX socket by the client and the server is prefixed with a common header indicating the length of the entire record (this length includes the header) and the type of data contained within the record. The format for the header is as follows, as defined in ezbytmih.h (an assembler mapping for this structure is in EZBYTMIA):
struct tmi_header
int TmiHr_len;                     /* Length of this record */
int TmiHr_Id;                      /* Identifier for this record */
int TmiHr_Ver;                     /* Version identifier for this */
int TmiHr_resv;                    /* reserved */
#define TmiHr_CnRqst 0xC3D5D9D8    /* Constant("CNRQ") */
                                   /* TCP connection request record */
#define TmiHr_Init 0xC9D5C9E3      /* Constant("INIT") */
                                   /* Connection initialization */
#define TmiHr_Term 0xE3C5D9D4      /* Constant("TERM") */
                                   /* Normal connection termination */
#define TmiHr_SmfTok 0xE2D4E3D2    /* Constant("SMTK") */
                                   /* Token for SMF buffer */
#define TmiHr_PktTok 0xE3D7D3E3    /* Constant("TPKT") */
                                   /* Token for packettrc data */
#define TmiHr_ErRqst 0xE9C5D9E3    /* Constant("ZERT") */
                                   /* zERT Detail request record */
#define TmiHr_EsRqst 0xE9C5D9E2    /* Constant("ZERS") */
                                   /* zERT Summary request record */
#define TmiHr_Version1 1           /* Version number */