Records sent by the server to the client: Initialization record

After the client connects to the server, the server sends an initialization record to the client. The initialization record can be recognized as having a TmiHr_Id equal to TmiHr_Init. This record contains miscellaneous information about the server and the stack that the client can choose to use or ignore. This record has the following format, defined in ezbytmih.h (an assembler mapping for this structure is in EZBYTMIA):

struct tmi_init                    /* Connection startup record */
struct tmi_header tmii_hdr;        /* Record header */
char              tmii_sysn[8];    /* System name (EBCDIC) */
char              tmii_comp[8];    /* Component name (EBCDIC) */
char              tmii_sub[8];     /* TCPIP job name (EBCDIC) */
char              tmii_time[8];    /* Time TCPIP started (STCK) */
int               tmii_bufsz;      /* Maximum size of buffer */ 
char              tmii_rsvd[12];   /* Reserved */ 
  • The component name, tmii_comp, represents the server that the client is connected to. This is one of SYSTCPDA, SYSTCPCN, SYSTCPOT, SYSTCPSM, SYSTCPER, or SYSTCPES, depending on the server that is being accessed.
  • The tmii_bufsz value is the size of the buffer required to be provided on the call to the TMI copy buffer interfaces. See Real-time NMI: Copying the real-time data for more information on these interfaces.