FTP client error codes

Table 1 lists error codes that are used in the following situations:
  • If the EXIT parameter is specified, or the CLIENTEXIT TRUE statement is specified in the FTP.DATA file, these error codes are used as condition codes for batch jobs.
  • Whenever the FTP client detects one of the described errors and the FTPDATA statement CLIENTERRCODES is TRUE, these error codes are used as return codes from REXX execs.
  • When CLIENTERRCODES is EXTENDED, these codes are also used to build the return code.
Message EZA1735I was issued when the EXIT parameter was specified when the client was started, or when the CLIENTEXIT TRUE statement was coded in the FTP.DATA file. This message contains FTP standard return codes and FTP client error codes.
Result: The return code 24 might supersede condition codes that were used in earlier releases.
Table 1. Client error codes
Code Error Examples of cause
01 FTP_INTERNAL_ERROR Failure to acquire storage, unexpected error in REXX stack.
02 FTP_SERVER_ERROR Error reply returned by the server.
03 unused N/A
04 FTP_INVALID_PARAM Parameter specified on FTP command is not valid.
05 FTP_OPEN_IOSTREAM_FAILED Failed to open the INPUT stream.
06 FTP_ALREADY_CONNECTED Attempt to OPEN when already connected.
07 FTP_USAGE Syntax error in a subcommand, combination of settings is not valid.
08 FTP_CONNECT_FAILED Attempt to reach unknown host, lost connection, data connect failed.
09 FTP_TIMEOUT Timeout waiting for response on the control or data connection.
10 FTP_SESSION_ERROR Socket error, other send/receive errors.
11 FTP_LOGIN_FAILED User ID, password, or account info is not valid.
12 FTP_INPUT_ERR Error reading INPUT or STDIN.
13 FTP_INPUT_EOF Internal use only.
14 FTP_NOTFOUND TCP/IP stack not found, resolver not found, translation table not found or could not be loaded.
16 FTP_NOT_ENABLED Improper installation of TCP/IP.
17 FTP_AUTHENTICATION Security authentication or negotiation failure, incorrect specification of security keywords.
18 FTP_FILE_ACCESS Data set allocation failure, recall failure, open failure.
19 FTP_FILE_READ File corrupted.
20 FTP_FILE_WRITE Out of space condition, close failure.
21 FTP_CONVERSION Error during data translation or setup not otherwise specified.
22 FTP_PROXY_ERR Error during proxy processing not otherwise specified.
23 FTP_SQL_ERR Error returned by the SQL process, including connect failure.
24 FTP_CLIENT_ERR Other errors in the client, some unrecoverable interface errors.
25 FTP_EOD_BEFORE_EOF In a block mode transfer, the last record did not include the EOF marker. In a stream mode transfer, the last record received before the connection was closed did not end with a
(carriage return followed by line feed) sequence.
26 FTP_NEEDS_CONNECTION Possible causes include using a subcommand that requires a connection to the server when no connection exists.
27 FTP_EXIT_EZAFCCMD_PREVENT User exit EZAFCCMD rejects the command.
28 FTP_EXIT_EZAFCCMD_TERM User exit EZAFCCMD ends the client.
29 FTP_EXIT_EZAFCCMD_WRONG_RC The FTP client ends because of an invalid return code from user exit EZAFCCMD.
30 FTP_EXIT_EZAFCREP_TERM User exit EZAFCREP ends the client.
31 FTP_EXIT_EZAFCREP_WRONG_RC The FTP client ends because of an invalid return code from user exit EZAFCREP .
Guideline: Codes 27 - 31 are caused by a user exit that is installed on this system. Contact your local system programmer for assistance in determining why the action was rejected.