Deprecated Secure Socket Layer (SSL) APIs

These application programming interfaces, or APIs, are superseded by the APIs defined in API reference.

Although use of the deprecated set of APIs in this topic is still supported in z/OS Version 2 Release 3, make sure that new applications be developed using the set of APIs defined in API reference.

The deprecated APIs are not being explicitly updated to allow utilization of new functionality to be added to System SSL. If an application wants to use new functionality to be added, for example TLS V1.2 protocol, the application must be coded to the SSL APIs in API reference.

In addition, make sure that existing applications are modified to use the set of APIs defined in API reference. Those modified applications should only use the new APIs, and not a mix of the new APIs and these deprecated APIs. Information about migrating your existing application programs to use the new API set can be found in Migrating from deprecated SSL interfaces.