
Obtain the address of the Secure Socket Layer function vector.


   #include <gskssl.h>

   void gsk_get_ssl_vector (   
                                gsk_uint32 *              function_mask,
                                gsk_ssl_vector **         function_vector)


Returns a bit mask indicating the Secure Socket Layer level.
Returns the address of the Secure Socket Layer function vector.


The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) functions can be called using either static binding or runtime binding. Static binding is performed when the application is compiled while runtime binding is performed when the application is run.

In order to use static binding, the SSL sidedeck file is specified as input to the binder. This causes all SSL functions to be resolved at bind time and causes the SSL DLL to be implicitly loaded when the application is run.

In order to use runtime binding, the SSL DLL must be explicitly loaded by the application and the SSL functions must be called using indirect addresses. The gsk_get_ssl_vector() routine allows an application to obtain the address of the SSL function vector containing an entry for each SSL API routine. This eliminates the need for the application to build the function vector through repeated calls to the dllqueryfn() routine.

The function mask indicates the capabilities of the SSL DLL. These values are defined:
SSL functions provided as part of z/OS Version 1 Release 6 are available.
SSL functions provided as part of z/OS Version 1 Release 11 are available.
SSL functions provided as part of z/OS Version 1 Release 13 are available.