
Returns information related to a certificate request.


   #include <gskssl.h>

   gsk_status gsk_attribute_get_data ( 
                                       gsk_handle      soc_handle,
                                       GSK_DATA_ID     data_id, 
                                       void **         data_ptr)


Specifies the connection handle returned by the gsk_secure_socket_open() routine.
Specifies the data identifier.
Returns the address of the requested data. The address will be NULL if the requested data is not available.


The function return value will be 0 (GSK_OK) if no error is detected. Otherwise, it will be one of the return codes listed in the gskssl.h include file. These are some possible errors:
The data identifier is not valid.
Unable to decode certification authority name.
Elliptic Curve is not supported.
ICSF PKCS #11 services are disabled.
ICSF services are not available.
ICSF callable service returned an error.
Insufficient storage is available.
The connection handle is not valid.
The connection is not initialized.


The gsk_attribute_get_data() routine returns information related to a certificate request. The server sends a certificate request to the client as part of the client authentication portion of the SSL handshake. The connection must be in the initialized state.

These data identifiers are supported:
Returns a list of labels for certificates signed by a certification authority that is in the list provided by the server. A database entry is included in the list only if it has both a certificate and a private key. The labels are associated with certificates read in from a key database, PKCS #12 file, SAF key ring, or PKCS #12 token when the SSL environment was established (gsk_environment_init()). If executing in FIPS mode, the list only includes labels that can be used in FIPS mode. If using the TLS V1.2 protocol, the list includes only those certificates that use the key and signature algorithms supported by the server. The gsk_list_free() routine should be called to release the list when it is no longer needed.
Returns a list of distinguished names of certification authorities provided by the server in the certificate request. The gsk_list_free() routine should be called to release the list when it is no longer needed.

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