Unconfiguring advanced replication

If advanced replication is no longer needed, perform the following steps on the supplier server to remove the replication topology entries:
  1. Ensure that the supplier server is in maintenance mode. See Advanced replication maintenance mode for more information about advanced replication maintenance mode.
  2. Bind to the supplier server as an LDAP administrator. See Administrative group and roles for more information about administrative role authority.
  3. Delete the replication agreement entry.
  4. Delete the replica subentry.
  5. Delete the replica group.
  6. Delete the ibm-replicationContext attribute value from the objectclass attribute type from the replication context.
  7. Move the supplier server out of maintenance mode. See Advanced replication maintenance mode for more information about advanced replication maintenance mode.
On the consumer server, perform the following steps to remove the replication topology entries:
  1. Ensure that the consumer server is in maintenance mode. See Advanced replication maintenance mode for more information about advanced replication maintenance mode.
  2. Bind to the consumer server as an LDAP administrator. See Administrative group and roles for more information about administrative role authority.
  3. Delete the replication agreement entry.
  4. Delete the replica subentry.
  5. Delete the replica group.
  6. Delete the ibm-replicaReferralURL attribute from the replication context.
  7. Delete the ibm-replicationContext attribute value from the objectclass attribute type from the replication context.
  8. If the server is no longer a consumer server for any other replication contexts, delete the consumer server credentials entry with an objectclass of ibm-slapdReplication.
  9. If there are any consumer server credentials entries with an objectclass of ibm-slapdSupplier that have only one ibm-slapdReplicaSubtree attribute value equal to the replication context that is being deleted, the entry can be deleted, or else, delete the ibm-slapdReplicaSubtree attribute value from the consumer server credentials entry.
  10. Move the consumer server out of maintenance mode. See Advanced replication maintenance mode for more information about advanced replication maintenance mode.

Once all replication topology entries are removed from the supplier and consumer servers, the useAdvancedReplication configuration option in the CDBM backend is set to off in both servers.

At this point, advanced replication is no longer configured between these two servers and each server is distinctly managing the data in the subtree that made up the replication context.