Binding with native authentication

As mentioned above, there are two LDAP operations affected: bind and password or password phrase modify. There is a set of criteria that is used to determine if an entry actually participates in native authentication. This criteria changes depending on the configuration options that have been selected. The following table outlines all the possible operating modes for native authentication binding.
Table 1. Operating modes for native authentication binding
Operation useNativeAuth nativeUpdate Allowed ibm-nativeId uid Behavior
Bind selected any value User1   Entry is configured correctly and native authentication is attempted.
Bind selected any value   User1 Entry is not correctly configured for native authentication so an LDAP simple bind is attempted. The uid attribute is not used when useNativeAuth is selected.
Bind selected any value     Entry has not been configured for native authentication so an LDAP simple bind is attempted.
Bind all any value User1 User2 The ibm-nativeId attribute is used to attempt native authentication.
Bind all any value   User1 Entry is configured correctly and native authentication is attempted.
Bind all any value     For ease of implementation, an LDAP simple bind is attempted, even though you have specified that all entries should use native authentication. This entry should be configured correctly.
Notes: This table assumes that the entry is located within native authentication subtrees.
In native authentication binding, the LDAP server invokes the RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY, ENVIR=CREATE macro using the mapped user ID and the password or password phrase supplied in the bind request. The following LDAP reason codes are mapped to return codes returned by the RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY,ENVIR=CREATE macro:
Table 2. LDAP return and reason codes returned to the client when binding with native authentication
LDAP return code Reason code Text
LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS R004111 The password is not correct
LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS R004112 A bind argument is not valid
LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS R004109 The password has expired
LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS R004128 Native authentication password change failed: The new password is not valid, or does not meet requirements
LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS R004110 The user ID has been revoked
LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR R000208 Unexpected racroute error safRC=safRC racfRC=racfRC racfReason=racfReason
Note: The same reason codes are issued when binding with a password or a password phrase.