Return codes and reason codes

When the RMF™ Sysplex Data Services return control to your program, return_code contains the return code and reason_code contains the reason code.

Not every combination of return and reason codes applies to each of the services. The possible combinations are shown in Table 1.
The return and reason codes are grouped into classes indicating the severity of the situation that has been recognized. The classes are:
Successful (RC=0)
The operation was successful. The requested data has been stored in the answer area provided by the calling program
Information (RC=4)
The requested data may be inconsistent (ERB3XDRS and ERB3XD64 only)
Warning (RC=8)
The requested data could not be retrieved completely
Error (RC=12)
No data was returned, for example, because no RMF address space was active
Severe Error (RC=16)
The calling program invoked the service with invalid parameters or in an invalid mode
Unrecoverable Error (RC=20)
A problem has been detected within RMF processing. This code is normally accompanied by console messages, or a dump, or both. Refer to the explanations of the issued messages.

The following table identifies return code and reason code combinations, and recommends the action that you should take. Codes are decimal numbers. Applicable service routines are:

Table 1. RMF Sysplex Data Services Return and Reason Codes (SMF Services)
0 0 Q,R,2,3 Meaning: The operation was successful. The answer area contains the requested data.
Action: Continue normal program execution.
8 8 -,-,-,3 Meaning: Warning - data could not be retrieved. For the specified date and time range, either partial data or no data at all could be retrieved by the ERB3XDRS service because time gaps have been detected in the gathered data.
Action: Check the time range (start_time or end_time) parameters on the ERB3XDRS service and rerun the program.
8 9 -,-,-,3 Meaning: Warning - VSAM retrieval errors occurred. For the specified date and time range, either partial data or no data at all could be retrieved.
Action: Check the time range (start_time or end_time) parameters on the ERB3XDRS service and rerun the program.
8 13 -,-,-,3 Meaning: Warning - inconsistent data returned by ERB3XDRS. The WLM service policy has changed, or the IPS values have been modified.
8 14 -,-,-,3 Meaning: Warning - inconsistent data returned by ERB3XDRS. The RMF cycle time has changed.
8 15 -,-,-,3 Meaning: Warning - inconsistent data returned by ERB3XDRS. IPL detected.
8 30 Q,R,-,- Meaning: Warning - timeouts detected. Due to timeout situations, ERBDSQRY or ERBDSREC could not return all the requested information.
Action: Request a smaller a mount of information on one call of the RMF service.
8 31 -,R,-,- Meaning: Warning - no such record. One or more requested SMF records were not available for ERBDSREC, either the SMF record data was overwritten by the wrap-around management of the data buffer or it never existed.
Action: Ensure that the elapsed time between calls to ERBDSQRY and ERBDSREC is not too large, and that a valid token list is passed to ERBDSREC.
8 35 -,-,2,- Meaning: Warning - defaults taken. Due to incorrectly specified Monitor II data gatherer options on the dg_options parameter of the ERB2XDGS service, the data gatherer decided to use the default options.
Action: Correct Monitor II data gatherer options and rerun the program.
8 70 Q,R,-,- Meaning: Warning - answer area too small. The answer area provided by the calling program was too small for the service to return all the requested information. The variable answer_area_length contains the length of the answer area you should have provided for this ERBDSQRY or ERBDSREC request.
Action: Provide an answer area large enough to contain all the requested information.
12 0 Q,R,2,3 Meaning: Error - RMF Sysplex Data Server is not active.
Action: Start the local RMF address space.
12 1 Q,R,2,3 Meaning: Error - System(s) inactive. None of the system(s) specified for the ERBDSQRY, ERB2XDGS, or ERB3XDRS services were active in the sysplex. For ERBDSREC, none of the record tokens specified belong to SMF records collected on systems that are currently active in the sysplex.
Action: Check the system name list (smf_system_name_list, for ERBDSQRY), record token list (rmf_record_token_list, for ERBDSREC), or the system name (system_name, for ERB2XDGS and ERB3XDRS) parameter and rerun the program.
12 5 -,-,2,- Meaning: Error - Monitor I interval ended. The Monitor I interval ended during the Monitor II data gathering phase while processing the ERB2XDGS request.
Action: Rerun the program.
12 6 -,-,2,- Meaning: Error - No RMF data available. No data is currently available that matches the specification in the data_gathering_parm parameter of the ERB2XDGS service.
Action: Check the parameters of ERB2XDGS and rerun the program.
12 7 -,-,2,- Meaning: Error - No Monitor I data gatherer. The Monitor I data gatherer was not active. However, for the data gathering of certain SMF record subtypes (record type 79, subtypes 8, 9, 11, 13, and 14 ) specified for the ERB2XDGS service, an active Monitor I session is required.
Action: Verify Monitor I is active on the systems from which data is requested, and rerun the program.
12 8 -,-,-,3 Meaning: Error - data could not be retrieved. For the specified date and time range, no data could be retrieved by the ERB3XDRS service.
Action: Check the time range (start_time or end_time) parameters on the ERB3XDRS service and rerun the program.
12 9 -,-,-,3 Meaning: Error - VSAM retrieval errors occurred. For the specified date and time range, no data could be retrieved by the ERB3XDRS service.
Action: Check the time range (start_time or end_time) parameters on the ERB3XDRS service and rerun the program.
12 16 -,-,-,3 Meaning: Error - no data returned by ERB3XDRS. No data available.
12 17 -,-,-,3 Meaning: Error - The Monitor III session is not active on the system specified on the system_name parameter of the ERB3XDRS service. If data was requested from all systems in the sysplex, no Monitor III session was found active in the sysplex.
Action: Start Monitor III on the system(s) for which Monitor II data was requested. Check the system name parameter passed to the ERB3XDRS service.
12 18 -,-,-,3 Meaning: Error - no data returned by ERB3XDRS. Preallocated data sets unusable (detected at start of retrieval).
12 19 -,-,-,3 Meaning: Error - no data returned by ERB3XDRS. Preallocated data sets unusable (detected during data retrieval).
12 20 -,-,-,3 Meaning: Error - no data returned by ERB3XDRS. Too many reporters tried to get data from the in-storage buffer.
12 21 -,-,-,3 Meaning: Error - no data returned by ERB3XDRS. Retrieval from in-storage buffer failed.
12 22 -,-,-,3 Meaning: Error - no data returned by ERB3XDRS. No data in the in-storage buffer.
12 23 -,-,-,3 Meaning: Error - no data returned by ERB3XDRS. Not enough storage available to copy the requested data from the in-storage buffer.
12 25 -,-,2,- Meaning: Error - SRM STCPS facility not available. The system resource manager (SRM) Store Channel Path Status (STCPS) facility is not available.
12 30 -,-,2,3 Meaning: Error - Timeout. Due to a timeout situation, ERB2XDGS or ERB3XDRS could not return the requested information.
Action: Request a smaller amount of information on one call of the ERB2XDGS or ERB3XDRS service.
12 36 Q,-,-,- Meaning: Error - no data returned by ERBDSQRY. No SMF data was found in the sysplex matching the specification provided by the smf_start_time, smf_end_time, smf_record_type_info, smf_record_type_list, smf_system_name_info, and smf_system_name_list parameters of the ERBDSQRY service.
Action: Check the parameter specifications.
12 37 Q,R,-,- Meaning: Error - All RMF Data Buffers for SMF data are inactive on the systems specified on the smf_system_name_info and smf_system_name_list parameters of the ERBDSQRY service. For ERBDSREC, an attempt was made to request SMF records from a system on which the RMF data buffer is inactive.
Action: Start RMF Data Buffer on one or more systems in the sysplex. Check the list of system names passed to the ERBDSQRY service.
12 70 -,-,2,3 Meaning: Error - answer area too small. The answer area provided by the calling program was too small for the service to return all the requested information. The variable answer_area_length area contains the length of the answer you should have provided for this ERB2XDGS or ERB3XDRS request.
Action: Provide an answer area large enough to contain all the requested information.
16 0 -,-,-,- Meaning: Reserved for RMF internal use.
Action: Not applicable.
16 41 Q,-,-,- Meaning: Severe error - The calling program specified an invalid value for the request type (request_type).
Action: Examine your program to locate the CALL that caused the error condition. Correct the statements that are wrong, and rerun your program.
16 42 Q,-,-,3 Meaning: Severe error - The calling program specified an invalid value for the interval/range start or end time (start_time or end_time) or parameter (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) on the ERBDSQRY ERB3XDRS service. This includes wrong-formatted parameters and out-of-range or invalid dates.
Action: Examine your program to locate the CALL that caused the error condition. Correct the statements that are wrong, and rerun your program.
16 43 Q,-,-,- Meaning: Severe error - The calling program specified an invalid value for the SMF record type (smf_record_type_info) parameter (INCLUDE/EXCLUDE/ALL) of the ERBDSQRY service.
Action: Examine your program to locate the CALL that caused the error condition. Correct the statements that are wrong, and rerun your program.
16 44 Q,-,-,- Meaning: Severe error - The calling program specified an invalid value for the SMF system name (smf_system_name_info) parameter (INCLUDE/EXCLUDE/ALL) of the ERBDSQRY service.
Action: Examine your program to locate the CALL that caused the error condition. Correct the statements that are wrong, and rerun your program.
16 45 -,-,-,3 Meaning: Severe error - The calling program specified an invalid value for the data format (df_ssos or df_comp) subparameters (YES/NO) of the ERB3XDRS service.
Action: Examine your program to locate the CALL that caused the error condition. Correct the statements that are wrong, and rerun your program.
16 46 -,-,2,- Meaning: Severe error - A bad SMF record type or subtype (rty or sty) was specified for the ERB2XDGS service.
Action: Examine your program to locate the CALL that caused the error condition. Correct the statements that are wrong, and rerun your program.
16 52 -,-,-,3 Meaning: Severe error - The calling program specified range start and end times with a difference greater than 9999 seconds in the (start_time and end_time) parameters of the ERB3XDRS service.
Action: Examine your program to locate the CALL that caused the error condition. Correct the statements that are wrong, and rerun your program.
16 53 Q,-,-,- Meaning: Severe error - An invalid SMF record type or subtype was specified in the record type list (smf_record_type_list) for the ERBDSQRY service. Either the length of the list was negative, or a record type was out of the range of 0 to 255.
Action: Examine your program to locate the CALL that caused the error condition. Correct the statements that are wrong, and rerun your program.
16 54 Q,-,-,- Meaning: Severe error - An invalid SMF system name was specified in the system name list (smf_system_name_list) for the ERBDSQRY service, or the length of the list was negative.
Action: Examine your program to locate the CALL that caused the error condition. Correct the statements that are wrong, and rerun your program.
16 55 Q,-,-,3 Meaning: Severe error - An invalid data time interval (start_time or end_time) was specified for the ERBDSQRY or ERB3XDRS service, i.e. the start time is greater than or equal to the end time.
Action: Examine your program to locate the CALL that caused the error condition. Correct the statements that are wrong, and rerun your program.
16 56 Q,-,-,- Meaning: Severe error - An empty SMF record type and subtype list (smf_record_type_list and smf_record_type_info = INCLUDE) was specified for the ERBDSQRY service.
Action: Examine your program to locate the CALL that caused the error condition. Correct the statements that are wrong, and rerun your program.
16 57 Q,-,-,- Meaning: Severe error - An empty SMF system name list (smf_system_name_list and smf_system_name_info = INCLUDE) was specified for the ERBDSQRY service.
Action: Examine your program to locate the CALL that caused the error condition. Correct the statements that are wrong, and rerun your program.
16 58 -,R,-,- Meaning: Severe error - An empty record token list (rmf_record_token_list) was specified for the ERBDSREC service.
Action: Examine your program to locate the CALL that caused the error condition. Correct the statements that are wrong, and rerun your program.
16 60 Q,R,2,3 Meaning: Severe error - RMF could not access one or more of the parameters.
Action: Examine your program to locate the CALL that caused the error condition. Correct the statements that are wrong, and rerun your program.
16 61 Q,R,2,3 Meaning: Severe error - RMF could not access the answer area via the specified ALET (answer_area_alet).
Action: Examine your program to locate the CALL that caused the error condition. Correct the statements that are wrong, and rerun your program.
16 70 Q,R,2,3 Meaning: Severe error - The answer area provided by the calling program (answer_area_addr and answer_area_length) header was too small to contain even the information.
Action: Examine your program to locate the CALL that caused the error condition. Correct the statements that are wrong, and rerun your program.
16 71 Q,R,-,- Meaning: Severe error - The requested storage could not be allocated.
Action: Increase the size of the region where the calling program is running.
16 80 Q,R,-,- Meaning: Severe error - The user is not authorized to call the RMF sysplex data services for SMF data (ERBDSQRY, ERBDSREC, ERB2XDGS and ERB3XDRS).
Action: Contact your local security administrator.
16 81 Q,R,2,3 Meaning: Severe error - The calling program is not in task mode.
Action: Rerun your program in the correct mode.
16 82 Q,R,2,3 Meaning: Severe error - The calling program is not enabled.
Action: Rerun your program in the correct mode.
16 83 Q,R,2,3 Meaning: Severe error - The calling program is not unlocked.
Action: Rerun your program in the correct mode.
16 84 -,-,2,- Meaning: Severe error - The user is not authorized to access Monitor II data.
Action: Contact your local security administrator.
16 85 -,-,-,3 Meaning: Severe error - The user is not authorized to access Monitor III data.
Action: Contact your local security administrator.
16 86 -,-,2,- Meaning: Severe error - The calling program is not authorized or is using a data reduction exit that is not approved.
Action: If the calling program is properly designed to be safe to run authorized, the application or program can be adapted to run in supervisor state, system state, or APF authorized. Otherwise, approve the exit by adding RACF® resource ERBSDS.MON2EXIT.<exit_name> to RACLISTed class FACILITY and grant read access to the profile for the user ID invoking the Sysplex Data Server API.
16 87 -,-,-,3 Meaning: Severe error - The calling program is not authorized or is using a data reduction exit that is not approved.
Action: If the calling program is properly designed to be safe to run authorized, the application or program can be adapted to run in supervisor state, system state, or APF authorized. Otherwise, approve the exit by adding RACF resource ERBSDS.MON3EXIT.<exit_name> to RACLISTed class FACILITY and grant read access to the profile for the user ID invoking the Sysplex Data Server API.
16 90 Q,R,2,3 Meaning: Severe error - RMF encountered a severe error when calling the service routine. This may be caused by a terminating RMF address space.
Action: Restart RMF and rerun your program.
16 91 -,-,2,3 Meaning: Severe error - RMF encountered a severe error when loading the service exit routine. The routine was not found.
Action: Ensure the exit routine is properly installed on all systems the request is directed to. Rerun your program.
16 92 -,-,2,3 Meaning: Severe error - RMF recognized a severe error when executing the service exit routine. The exit completion code is provided in the answer area returned by the service.
Action: Correct the exit routine problems and rerun your program.
20 0 Q,R,2,3 Meaning: Unrecoverable error - An unrecoverable RMF error was encountered during the processing of the requested service. This situation is normally accompanied by error messages sent to the system console and/or a dump.
Action: Notify your system programmer.