z/OS CIM monitoring

The Common Information Model (CIM) is a standard data model developed by a consortium of major hardware and software vendors (including IBM®), called the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF). It provides a common definition for describing and accessing systems management data in heterogeneous environments. It allows vendors and system programmers to write applications (CIM monitoring clients) that measure system resources in a network with different operating systems and hardware, and to actually manage those systems.

The z/OS base element Common Information Model (z/OS CIM) implements the CIM server, based on the OpenPegasus open source project. A CIM monitoring client invokes the CIM server, which in turn collects z/OS metrics from the system and returns it to the calling client.

z/OS CIM Monitoring provides access to z/OS resources and monitoring data.

If a CIM client requests the CIM server to obtain z/OS metrics, the CIM server invokes the appropriate z/OS RMF monitoring provider which retrieves these metrics associated to z/OS system resources. The z/OS RMF monitoring providers use RMF™ Monitor III performance data.

For more information on the z/OS CIM element refer to z/OS Common Information Model User's Guide.