Update Capacity Provisioning Manager parameters to use CIM Client for Java Version 2


z/OS V2R1 was the last release to include Version 1 of the Standards Based Linux Instrumentation for Manageability (SBLIM) CIM client for Java. Version 1 support for SourceForge open source project was discontinued in 2010. Version 2 of the SBLIM client, which is designed to be a JSR48-compliant implementation, was included in z/OS V1R13 and z/OS V2R1. Users of SBLIM Version 1 must convert to Version 2.

Table 1 provides more details about the migration action. Use this information to plan your changes to the system.

Table 1. Information about this migration action
Element or feature: BCP.
When change was introduced: z/OS V2R2.
Applies to migration from: z/OS V2R1.
Timing: Before installing z/OS V2R3.
Is the migration action required? Yes, if you use SBLIM Version 1.
Target system hardware requirements: None.
Target system software requirements: None.
Other system (coexistence or fallback) requirements: None.
Restrictions: None.
System impacts: None.
Related IBM Health Checker for z/OS check: None.

Steps to take

Follow these steps:
  1. The Provisioning Manager user CPOSRV needs READ access to CIM Client for Java Version 2 sblim-cim-client.jar. This access usually by default should be sufficient. If it is not, you must set the "other" READ access file permissions using the z/OS UNIX command chmod (for example, chmod o+r/usr/lpp/wbem/jclient/sblim-cim-client2.jar. Note that this command must be issued by a user with the appropriate authorization.
  2. If your CIM installation directory is not at the default location, you need to add the location of the CIM Client for Java Version 2 slim-cim-client2jar to the CLASSPATH entry., If you have already specified the location of a previous version of the CIM Client Java, you need to add the location of CIM Client for Java Version 2 before the location of the previous version of CIM Client for Java. the CLASSPATH is specified in the ENV member of the Provisioning Manager runtime environment data set with prefix.PARM. The prefix for the data set name is the high-level qualifier of the Capacity Provisioning Manager parameters data set and the name of the domain managed by the Capacity Provisioning Manager. For example, with default values, the data set name is CPO.DOMAIN1.PARM.

Reference information

For more information, see z/OS MVS Capacity Provisioning User's Guide.