Alternate Library for REXX

Alternate Library for REXX enables users who do not have the REXX on IBM Z® library installed to run compiled REXX programs. It contains a language processor that transforms the compiled programs and runs them with the REXX interpreter, which is shipped as part of the z/OS® operating system.

Software developers are no longer required to distribute the Alternate Library for REXX with their compiled REXX programs. Customers who have the REXX on IBM Z® Library installed will gain the performance benefits of running compiled REXX, while those customers who have the Alternate Library for REXX installed may still run the programs as interpreted.

By using the Alternate Library for REXX with z/OS, software developers gain the benefits of shipping compiled REXX programs without the source code:
  • Maintenance of the program is simplified since the code can not be modified inadvertently.
  • Compiled programs can be shipped in load module format, simplifying packaging and installation.
  • The Alternate Library for REXX does not need to be shipped and installed with the software program.
  • Maintenance of the Alternate Library for REXX is handled by the z/OS system administrator.